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Monday 3 November 2014

155th Post-"Knife is sharp and scary, right?"

155-For groups that were accompanied by any of the male homogoblins, I told them to collect spiders' cobwebs and empty shells of giant caterpillar pupas. I then too join the cooking team and prepare breakfasts. While waiting for the groups I send out for errands to return, Lulu and I go and have a talk with the blondie from yesterday, who is still tied up. After loosening the vines used to tie her up, she sprang at me, but with magic coat "on", it's her who end up hurting her hands. Through Lulu, Vivian ask me:""If you are that tough, why do you look that afraid, last night?"" Puzzled, I tell Lulu: "Knife is sharp and scary, right?" Both of them give me "I Can't believe it" look and sigh. -Oh, come on! You can't help it if you are afraid. We then interrogate the blondie. She told Lulu that she want revenge on the goblins for killing her husband so, she want to kill me, their leader. -Uh, okay. That a little bit awkward. Through Lulu, I told the nine women that "me", just become a leader unofficially yesterday. It's a suggestion by the elders, but I am fine with it since I have no intention to serve under anyone. The nine women were even shocked when I told them that I and most of the goblins and homogoblins here, except for the elders and their ten subordinates, have never seen the parents' group and "the" leader that bring them here, who still hasn't return. I also told them that I will ensure their safety even if it means fighting against the parents' group.

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