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Monday 3 November 2014

174th Post-"Ten" clones

174-One by one, male kobolds were dragged into the main cave to fight against the "ten". The things that give Sai an edge against the "ten" are his toughness and perseverance, quite similar to Genbu, while the "ten" has unrelentless desire to play around, quite similar to me. These "ten" are practically my nerfed clones and I can only just sigh at how they break apart their opponents' wills to fight. They mimic my fighting style flawlessly which include the use of taunting, kicks and crazy stunts. If only Mint and Tris has at least the boldness of the "ten", but I start to wonder if turning the goblins into someone like me is really a good thing? The only difference are on one part where they keep aiming at their opponents' crotches, whenever they has a chance. The "ten" win flawlessly against the ten male kobolds. After I treat and tied up each one of them with the help of Jin and Eme, I realized the two messengers I apprehend along with Karen aren't among the male kobolds, so I told the homogoblins and the "ten" to fetch all of the remaining kobolds except the three mages. The chief look pretty glad and showed no fear despite still being tied up. I guess him being a chief isn't just for show. He even thanked for helping him to escape the heat. He also told me to also do the same for the other three, but I am afraid, I can't. It's too risky for comfort. I almost thought Karen is the only female among the kobolds, but Karen told me that I was wrong.

173rd Post-"Pft... Okay , fine!'

173-"Stop this instance! This is just a training duel and you will has another chance tomorrow." ""Tomorrow?"" "Yeah, I am going to have all six of you to spar again." "".....''" Afterward, the five matches continue with three wins by the kobolds. "Hmmm... It's even, huh? I guess we know who to fight against #1, #2 and #3, then." Hearing that the kobold sentries panic and start to beg so I didn't make them fight against the "ten". I start to get irritated to their cowardice behavior, so I decide to sweep their legs, but instead of trying to block or avoid my low kick, the first kobold cover his crotch area. Surprised, I stop my kick, before it's even hit them in respond. -It can't be? Those "ten" kick them between their legs? "Pft... Okay, fine!" However, this give me an idea. I told the homogoblins to dig and bring into the main cave, one male kobold except the "chief" and the three mages. -Hehe... They too will taste the same fear, that haunt and traumaticed the kobold sentries. The kobold sentries give away the look of pity as the male kobold was dragged to the middle of the crowd, where the previous duels were held. I call #10 and she pick a sword and a dagger. After explaining the situation to the male kobold, I release the vines tying him up and ask him to choose one among the wooden weapons to be used as weapon. "What the stake? How about freedom?" -Of course I don't meant it, lol. It would risk the chances of capturing the kobolds alive if any of the captive return.

172nd Post-No handicap

172-""We don't want to give them such handicap, please."" *Sigh*"Seriously? Fine, #19 to #23, you are on your own." """Ran-sama, your previous teachings are more then enough already.""" "Is that so? Hmmm... What are you waiting, then? Start the duel already." Karen look at the five kobold sentries in disbelief, as she stand holding the long sword with both of her hands, while Sai hold it like holding a baseball bat just like how I told him. I have got some confident in Sai especially after the short chat I have with him. He told me the reason he pick the long sword is because it's only slightly heavier to the bat he used to use. The duel goes with Sai keep trying to hit back every slashes and thrusts by Karen, instead of him try hitting Karen, but occasionally letting himself taking hits. It's all according to my tips and before long, Karen's loose her grip on her sword and it was flinging away as it clash with Sai's. With Karen unarmed, I declare Sai to be the winner which arouse the fighting spirits of the other five goblins who are waiting for their turns. "Learn lvl5-Enjoyable Rest." "Learn lvl5-Relaxed Rest." "Learn lvl1-Fighting Chant." -What is this? Gain more strength with more comrades within a short distance. Maximum boost is only 100% though. With the range restriction, I think this skill won't be much that useful at low lvl. However, my "power of insight" has become much more easier to use. Karen seem can't accept the result and daring to continue unarmed.

171st Post-My kobolds' first spar

171-With lunch done, I declare the pig-orcs and the six kobolds as my slaves. As a result, Karen glare at me, but the other five kobolds were fine with it. I then call #23 and ask the six kobolds to decide who is going to fight against #23. Karen question my decision to pick up the lowest in rank among the goblins to fight against them. "Fine." I then call out #0 to #5, but the other five of the "ten" goblins who join the battle the other night also stand up and told me, they too want to fight. Upon seeing them, the kobold sentries voice their refusal, I myself didn't expect such reaction. As for Karen, she is speechless and didn't expect ten of them to be all female. I then told the "ten" to sit and call out #19 to #22 to join #0 and #23. I told the kobolds to decide who they're going to fight and of course Sai against Karen. I then carved two branches to look like long sword. I also make four 1-hand swords and four daggers made from branches as well, just in case. "Learn Beginner Hilt Binding." "Learn lvl1-Weaponry Research." -Wow! Unexpected turn of events lead to unexpected new skills. Sweet! I then ask both of them to pick their training weapons and unexpectedly both of them pick long swords. Before they start the duel, I whisper some tips and instructions to #0. I also told him to think the sword as him having a longer hand. Karen start to show irritation, but I couldn't careless. "You think he got no chance against you, right? It's an acceptable handicap, no?"

170th Post-Piggy Pt.5

170-The pig-orc seem hesitant at first but decide to go for it either way since I didn't even move a muscle. *Sigh* -It's just too slow. I then use Attention Concentration and grab his fist with my left. -It's heavy, but it's nothing too hard to handle. He is kinda surprise when I don't even flinch when I took his fist with mine and even more surprised when he can't pull free his hand which I has a tight grip on it, so he throw his still free left fist on me, but I pull his right fist and lunged or should I say sling shot myself toward his head as I use flying sidekick. -Is that overkill? Ever since I started to become athletic in this world, I has been itching to execute crazy stunts that are usually seen in manga/anime. The others start to look at me in a much more amazement then what they had when I fight the other homogoblins yesterday. I then carry the unconscious pig-orc to nearby shade and treat his bruises. "Learn lvl6-Maximizes Weight Limit." "Learn Intermediate First Aid." -Huh? First Aid skill's proficiency increased when all I do is put ice on his bruises before I heal them? Is it because I consider the patient's condition? Hmmm... They're much to learn. It seem team "0" and "1" has return, so I then ask Lulu to wake up the pig-orc and ask the rest to get started with cooking today's lunches.

169th Post-Piggy Pt.4

169-Re'ne and Byakko seem to teach their team mates well. I wonder when they got the chance to practice, lol. The pig-orc was trapped in an offense and defense formation of the other four, while Re'ne and Byakko are constantly mobile. Unlike the previous pig-orc, this one is more on the defensive and prefer to has a bout of strength with Tio as she is the biggest. Seryuu, Sei and Rai try to take advantage of what seem to be negligence in the orc's part but they're actually traps and each of them were swept away, but both Re'ne and Byakko aim at his legs forcing him to fall on his knees, where the six finally pin him into submission. -Why are they struggling? Am I overestimating them? Is this, bad? Nah, they ought to perform better if they has weapons. After tending to the injured, it's my turn. The 3rd pig-orc if I am not mistaken is also the same one as the one who appear last, during my fight with the three where I successfully captured them. Lulu said to me that the pig-orc say : "This time won't be like before." -Is that so? I ready the break fall stance and decide to just observe first. I want to take a hit from him, but he can hardly touch me, at least not if I constantly evade with back slides. *Sigh* I then ask Lulu to tell the pig-orc to stop for a bit and : "I want to know how strong your blow is, so I am going to let you land one hit on me. Please, do your hardest." I then use endure and decide to switch "off" magic coat.

168th Post-Piggy Pt.3

168-Some pig-orcs back in their mine are heavily armed with armours, helms and shields. Though, most of them look kinda rusty, but made from iron or worst steel, would still give the wielders high defense. This is something I should note off, hitting them on the head or direct brute force won't work. Lightning Storm or Fire Ball might do the trick, but... It won't be easy. Just I am in deep thoughts of the future, Mint and Tris with their fast but accurate blows on on the pig-orc's joints seem to irritate him causing them to be chased, however that give Genbu and Kame many chances to hit him with their combo moves and to my surprise, they has bunch of other new maneuvers too, which they used depend on the situation. I start to wonder maybe these guys has what it take to fight the pig-orcs in one on one. However, I thought team Assault would come out unscathed but it seem the pig-orc's blows aren't that light either. After healing everybody with Jin and Eme's help, I open the last cage. I told Lulu to tell the pig-orc not to do anything funny and wake his friend that was knocked out by me, so that he can ready himself to fight team Breaker. After Lulu talk to him, he do what was told and the first pig-orc stand up. I ask team Breaker to get into position and signal the second match to start. Team breaker, with Re'ne at the reign and Byakko behind her, they're unexpectedly solid as they jump or should I say dance around the pig-orc and the other four formation.

167th Post-Piggy Pt.2

167-I waste no time and enter the burning cage only to find him to grovel on the ground, but I just smack him on the head, knock him unconscious, drag him out of the cage and cast frost drive on the fire to extinguish it. It seem the other two are also groveling on the ground. "Talk to him once more." Lulu then try to talk to him again but, what she told me surprise me a bit. -They want to be my slaves? That is my plan, but I am expecting after I figure how to turn them into one with magic. Like with slave crests or something. Through Lulu, I ask them why and they said, it's for the sake of eating good food and they're tired of being bossed around by their original leader. Lulu also said, they won't mind even if they're treated badly. With these many of us around, I can't tell if they really become my comrades with enjoyable and relaxed rests. "Fine, fight against them first and I will consider it." Lulu ask me what I meant with "them" so I point to Genbu and the rest of the homogoblins. The pig-orc agreed and I ask Lulu to tell him to tell his other friend to ready himself. When I open the second cage, the pig-orc in it walk outside of the cage, slowly. After signaling to Lulu, the fight start between him and team assault. Team Assault waste no time in circling around the pig-orc. Without similar skill like back slide nor speed, there are nothing much he can do about it. However, his skin is really thick, that both Jin and Eme's attack aren't that much effective.

166th Post-Piggy

166-First, I open one of the cage's door, but the pig-orc in it don't even budge. *Sigh* -Should I get them to fight the pig-orc inside the cage? On second thought, let just burn the cage, lol. It's killing two birds with one stone. The prison cells only need a little bit of final touches, plus these pig-orcs' cages has start to smell awful, it's disgusting. If I know any water magic, I probably had give them a shower already. "......-Fire Ball!" Surprisingly, the pig-orc still refuse to budge and one of it's friend start to shout in a familiar noises, I wonder why. The commotion seem to attract many goblins to surround the prison hole. Suddenly, I was called by Lulu. She say the shouting has mixes of human language in it. -Is that so? No wonder it's sound familiar. I then ask Lulu to try talking to him. She say the pig-orc want to meet the goblin who brought them here. "That would be me, why didn't you tell them that?" ""I am sorry, Ran-sama. I already did, but he wouldn't believe me."" *Sigh* -I guess it would be me to drag the little piggy out. I then enter the cage which already on fire and shout at the piggy. I cover my nose with my left hand while my right hand point to the door, but... -This is going no where and I don't want him to become barbecued pig. I then went out of the prison hole and bring with me the very clay sword I used to knock out each of them before. Upon seeing the clay sword, each of the pig-orcs has a surprised look.

165th Post-Toilet Pt.3

165- If I have to say it, it's far more better then what I did for the previous toilet. While waiting for the muscle-headed group to return, I have everyone with me to start cleaning the prison hole and move the charcoal and ashes in them into the 1st cave. The pipes, toilets' bowls, urns, paddles and water tanks turn out great, but I realized we didn't make water tanks for water storage and water pumps for flush purpose before, so while they're busy cleaning the prison hole I start making those and ask Genbu to brought food for the three piglets. When the firewood team return, I told them to stash the woods they collect beside the toilets and then get themselves some rest as we wait team "0" and team "1" with their hunts. However, Genbu and Kame start sparing so, I decide to call all of the homogoblins to prison hole. I ask them, if they want to fight against the pig-orcs and just like I expected only Kame and Genbu are eager. "I don't want you guys to kill them, but I don't want you guys to get hurt either. So, it's going to be an unarmed team sparing. I want both team to subdue a pig-orc each." ""Many to one?"" ""Isn't that unfair?"" "Better safe then sorry, these pig-orcs aren't only bigger then any monsters around here, they're stronger and smarter. Unlike with the kobolds, you don't even has the element of surprise." Re'ne and Genbu seem to understand what I meant. First. I call team Assault to ready themselves up before I start walking toward one of the cages.

164th Post-Toilet Pt.2

164-It's almost impossible to avoid getting electrocuted using lightning storm as it's an area of effect skill, just like fireball but the area are even worst when used it on water as the skill caused the water to splash, so I just concentrate on using lightning bolt until cold bolt and lightning bolt maximized. With both skills maxed, I switch to frost drive and fireball, but I stop when the water lvl almost flowed into the trench and both reach lvl7. With that done, I then check on team "wells" and "toilets". Team "wells" has already on to the sewage tanks, while team "toilets" is almost done except for doors and roofs. I then start with those instead. While I almost half done, the homogoblins were done and help me out, but I have the muscle-heads, namely Genbu, Seryuu, Sei and Rai to help with team "wells". We also make doors and especially stairs as it will be hard to climb to the upper beds without them. With everything done, we keep away the doors and roof for the toilets and then smeared the walls of both the toilets and the wells. Afterward, with the help any members of both teams that has nimble hands to help making bricks and those with muscle for brain to look for firewood as I make two lids for the sewage tanks, water tanks for each stalls and the big ones for storing water, various sized pipes, water taps, water pumps, etc and leave them to dry.

163rd Post-Flush Toilet

163-Afterward, I test the four medium-sized toilets and they just work like how it's in the my past self's world. Satisfied, I also test the two large-sized toilets and start making the cover for the second well, which will be the toilets' sewage tank. All the toilets work great, so we start cleaning the 1st well and installing the pumps that would pump water up to the toilets' water tanks. Afterward, I told the homogoblins that from now on they're forbid to relief themselves inside any of the caves. They also forbid to dig a hole and leave their nature call in it and then buried it, or they can use these new toilets. They told me the toilets are too far away, so I told them to build toilets just like the one near the well, in front of the 4th and 5th cave. I also told team "2" and "3" to build wells at where the dry ponds are, as well as the wells for the new toilets' sewage tanks just like once used to be the 2nd well. I supervised them at start, but as they already has the lay outs for the two new toilets and 4 new wells, I then start filled the 1st well with ice using ice magic and melt them with fire magic. I purposely do it this way to train my magic skills. "Learn lvl8-Cold Bolt." "Learn lvl10-Fire Bolt." With the firebolt maximized, I then switch to use lightning bolt, which are far more effective against ice and water, which already expected but I didn't try it before, fearing I might get electrocuted. "Learn lvl4-Lightning Bolt." "Learn lvl1-Lightning Storm."

162nd Post-Karen K. Greyhound

162-"Learn lvl4-Relaxing Rest." "Learn lvl4-Enjoyable Rest." -Waaa..... ""Hei! Are you even listening to me?"" *Sigh* "What? You has already agreed, so?" ""....."" "Fine, spar with one of my friends after lunch and win. I did plan to use you kobolds as their sparing partner from the very beginning. By the way, what is your name?" ""Karen K. Greyhound."" "You is Cyrus's daughter?" ""....."" Afterward, I free the other five kobolds and told them what I tell Karen. I then take my leave and go to do the finishing touches for the toilets, I and the homogoblins has built the day before. I then call the homogoblins to help me fitted them with pipes, water tanks, water pumps, water taps, water urns and paddles. We then cleaned up the new well that were filled with ashes and charcoals and dump them inside the 1st cave along with all the other ashes and charcoals I have stashed in there already. Charcoals aside, but I decide to keep all the ashes. I might be able to make something out of them like ink and maybe diamonds using magic. Afterward we fitted the pipes from the toilets to the 2nd well and start filling up the water tanks using ice magic but it isn't exactly the best method. I am able to adjust the spell I cast to lvl1, but the power output seem to be increasing by day. That is good but a clear sign that I might break the water tanks or burst the roof open in the future. "Learn lvl7-Cold Bolt." -Sweet!

161st Post-"How do you tell?"

161-"Haha, give your regard and thanks to them." I then point my finger to Gobubaba and the five other. "It's not just me who prepare this food." I decide to meet the one point out by the kobolds' leader last. I found out all the kobold mages and two others, knew human language, so I have the human women to start asking them questions. ""I thought chief already told you, I know human language, so why I am the last one you meet?"" "Why? Hmmm... Since he point you out, I think you might be some one the chief think I can relate to, no?" As I say that, I feed her some of the herbs tea." ""This tea taste great!"" "Don't flatter me, it's not me who made them." ""Why don't you bring the human women to ask me already?"" "I still hasn't ask you to join me, yet." ""....."" "So?" ""Fine, I am willing to join your rank."" I then pull her out from being buried. ""What the?"" "Hmmm ... You has already loosen the vines tying you up. It will be a matter of time before you can even pull yourself out." ""How do you tell?"" "I didn't." ""....."" "Help yourself to the soup and when the human women were done with their questions, please feed the rest of your friends." ""You just simply let me free just like that?"" "You want to fight me? I am way stronger compare to last time." ""......"" "By the way, I need you to look after the human women. The blonde one used to be a sword woman and kinda feisty, so she might try to escape." ""Huh? Aren't you worry I will try to free the others?""

160th Post-"Who is your buddy?"

160-As I pull the wagon, I lead everyone to the buried kobolds. Lulu and three other try to help, I know they can't even move it even a bit on their own, but I am thankful regardlessly. The smell of the soup make every single one of the kobolds to look our way only to be surprised since I was accompanied by pregnant women. "This guy name is Cyrus K.Grey, the leader of the 23 kobolds here." "Yo! Cyrus still alive there buddy?" """Who is your buddy?!""" "Hei! Don't be so grumpy. I bring you something to drink." I then feed him a bit of the herbs tea. ""I just can't believe you let your human captives walking around."" "They're not my captives. It's not me who catch them and you will too if you willing to join my rank." ""What do you want?"" "So, is there anyone of you who can talk in human language?" ""Why do you want to know?"" "These human women want to ask some questions. If they cooperate, I will feed them food as thanks." ""I don't know human language but the female kobold that you caught yourself know it. With that, can I too get some food?"" "You beg for food from me?" ""......."" I then feed some tea herbs to each of the kobolds before asking them if they know human language and if they're willing to join my rank. To my surprise the five of the six sentries voice their willingness to join me. I then personally feed them dried meat soup on the spot. I just can't believe they're crying with each spoon-feed. As they eat, they praise how delicious the soup.

159th Post-"She too as well?"

159-Team "2" and "3" will stay in the base to make bricks. I will taught them how to use the molds that I have been using. While I teach them, I make a couple modification to the molds so that it required pressing the mud as they're shaped into bricks before they are lined on the open space to dry. As for the homogoblins, I told them to help team "2" and "3" for awhile until I return, as I promises Vivian to have a talk with the kobolds. I then enter the 4th cave to meet Vivian and Lulu. When I call out for the two, the human women who just simply lying around ask me through Lulu to let them follow Vivian as well. "How about Alexandra? She too as well?" Alexandra's colleagues all nodded. *Sigh* I then ask Gobubaba and Gobunannie to join us, which also meant Mamie, Suri and Vi as well. I think, I should feed the kobolds, so I ask them to help me to make soup using dried up meat that were from 3days ago or more. I think it's better to use them now before they get ruined. We can still stock them up everyday after all. But, there are just too many and we only just use a quarter of the old stock. The four maids also want to help, but I decline. Each one of the nine women are pregnant after all. We also make herbs tea and put all them on my old wagon. Along with more then enough bowls and spoons. I like the wagon to be heavy. It's help with lvl-ing "Maximizes Weight Limit skill that is stuck at lvl5 and training my strength as well.

158th Post-14th day's assignments

158-"I am sorry, but please give birth to my siblings just one more time." -I don't know why, but when I said that, tears start to fall my eyes. To hide my embarrassment, I leave the main hall of the fourth cave and go to the main cave. I then wait for those who hasn't arrived yet with the others, as I forbid and punish any goblins and even homogoblins who try to have a bite. Once everyone has gathered, I told them that they can start with their meals and everyone start to gobble their food like they have been starving. I ask them why they look so hungry? They replied, eating the food together taste even better, while some say just roast the food they hunt doesn't taste as good as one cooked by those who were in-charge of cooking under Gobubaba. Some of the males even say that they want to join the cooking team, but since I forbid males from entering the 4th cave, cooking has been left to females. I then promised to turn the 5th cave main hall into kitchen and the males start celebrating. After everyone finish eating their meals, I start with today's group assignments. Team "0" will escort Gobuo and Gobukanie of team Sentries and their four subordinates up to the hill to for their sentry duty and then hunt as many armored badgers around the area. Team "1" will escort Gobubaba and his two subordinates to the bats' cave's entrance on the hill near the pig-orcs' mine for their sentry duty and just like the day before, they will continue with their investigation of the cave.

157th Post-Blondie and the maids

157-Any surviving men were killed and the women were captured and brought back to the goblins' cave. Only a few were able to escape since they have the skills that can be use for escaping. Three of them were crying all the time as they told their story to Lulu as she translate them back to me. Lulu also use this time to fix and teach me as I try to use simple human language like: "I am sorry", "It's okay" and "I am here." The last four are well acquainted and come to goblins' cave almost about a year. Though the blondie hasn't say a word, the other three tell Lulu about her as well. The four of them used to work for nobility. The blondie is a sword woman by the name Alexandra, together with her husband they work as body guards. Allicia was a newbie maid with red hairs, while her two other friends blue haired, Lilian and green haired Lisandra were already veteran maids The last of the five is the headmaid, by the name of Teresa and she has white hair. The five all look pretty young around mid twentieth. If Teresa was really a headmaid, it's make me wonder of her real age and her white hairs really interest me. Unlike the three young adventurers, the four maids doesn't cry or anything and the blondie has piercing eyes on me at all time. *Sigh* I then showed them the blouses and long skirts I made for each one of them from the remnant of their old clothes the other day with the help of female homogoblins. I hope that will cheer them up but it's hard to tell.

156th Post-Smith, Mage and Healer

156-I then ask Lulu how many homogoblins are they among the parents' group and she say it's three of them. "Even if I don't fight, my friends had already outnumbered them by a large margin." Hearing that answer, Vivian again give me "that" look. I seriously don't get her at all. She then ask me if it's okay if she has a talk with the kobolds. I then ask Lulu to accompany her after breakfasts. Looking at how relaxed Lulu and myself around them, the other women start to look relief. Though they're not exactly feel safe, but seeing Vivian talking without fear to Lulu give them encouragement. The first to introduce herself is of course Vivian. She was just an alchemist on her way to her new employment but the the trading caravans she ride on were attacked. She is the only one who is still alive among all the women captives who were brought here. The second to introduce themselves are three young girls. Hanrietta, a brunette blacksmith, Lucy, a blonde healer and Ariel, a green haired mage. They are second longest after Vivian to be brought to the goblins cave with their two others already deceased members, about a year and half ago. They were originally belong to a group of newbie adventurers, so when they encounter the goblins' raid team during a medium pay monsters hunting quest, they decide to run away since they were only 15 of them against a huge numbers of goblins, but the goblins were able to catch on to them. They try to retaliate but fail.

155th Post-"Knife is sharp and scary, right?"

155-For groups that were accompanied by any of the male homogoblins, I told them to collect spiders' cobwebs and empty shells of giant caterpillar pupas. I then too join the cooking team and prepare breakfasts. While waiting for the groups I send out for errands to return, Lulu and I go and have a talk with the blondie from yesterday, who is still tied up. After loosening the vines used to tie her up, she sprang at me, but with magic coat "on", it's her who end up hurting her hands. Through Lulu, Vivian ask me:""If you are that tough, why do you look that afraid, last night?"" Puzzled, I tell Lulu: "Knife is sharp and scary, right?" Both of them give me "I Can't believe it" look and sigh. -Oh, come on! You can't help it if you are afraid. We then interrogate the blondie. She told Lulu that she want revenge on the goblins for killing her husband so, she want to kill me, their leader. -Uh, okay. That a little bit awkward. Through Lulu, I told the nine women that "me", just become a leader unofficially yesterday. It's a suggestion by the elders, but I am fine with it since I have no intention to serve under anyone. The nine women were even shocked when I told them that I and most of the goblins and homogoblins here, except for the elders and their ten subordinates, have never seen the parents' group and "the" leader that bring them here, who still hasn't return. I also told them that I will ensure their safety even if it means fighting against the parents' group.

154th Post-Bare Hand Fishing

154-14th day The next day is started with loud noises of the goblins and homogoblins in training. I didn't want to force, so I told them to just take their time and just copy what I do. After I do my normal 100 push ups, 100 sit-ups and 100 squats, we then all run to the stream, where I taught each one of them how to swim. Afterward, we catch fishes, but only those who use spears has it easy. As for me, after caught ten fishes, I decide to try to catch the fish using bare hands and was also copied by others. I told them not to, unless they has already catch at least one fish. To be honest, catching fish using bare-hands is hard. Really hard. The water resistant is really hard to get used to, but with many of us here, I can compare my techniques with others', which is something that can't be done if you are alone. Through everyone trials and errors, we all finally figure how to take advantage of the water current and curry out the fishes. "Learn Intermediate Hand-To-Hand Combat." "Learn lvl3-Relaxing Rest." "Learn lvl3-Enjoyable Rest." After washing my clothes and wear a dry one, we all run back to base and start making breakfasts. For those not involved with cooking, I told them to divide among themselves into groups. Those who has already learned herbiology by Gobubaba yesterday will be in charge of collecting herbs, while the rest will be collecting firewoods and of course I told them to hunt any monsters they meet along the way to use for lunch.

153rd Post-Vivian's POV:Cute Angel Pt.8

153-Lulu tend to fabricate what cute angel said, but I doubt many would be able to fabricate or understand what come out from her mouth as they're outrageous. Lulu said cute angel has her sight on pig-orcs and their slaves. Even for a human, everything Lulu said about cute angel's are unheard off. I still can't believe she said, cute angel just become a homogoblin and only 13days old. Everything about her, her thoughts and her actions are weird and bizarre. Despite all that, she show normal reaction of being afraid when she was shoved with a knife at her neck. I can't even feel anything special from her. I have seen many nobles and wanna-be heroes, but she doesn't even has a shred of their charisma. From what I heard from Lulu, they're just resourcefulness and brute strength. What make it's harder to have faith in her, are her eyes. They doesn't give innocent vibes which would be convincing, but they're just normal looking seedy eyes, that doesn't shine any light nor does they give indifferent look. -I can't tell if she is serious or has any determination in her voice, but everything that I see here are all real. While I am in deep thoughts, Lulu told me of cute angel's power of insight. The first time she use it, she cause the deafening howl. Lulu said she can't control it, so I ask if she know how to use it consciously. "When she sit/rest with others? Isn't that unreliable?" I chuckled a bit afterward. The cute angel might

Sunday 2 November 2014

152nd Post-Vivian's POV :Cute Angel Pt.7

152-So the huge backpack that she carried around just as heavy? Or it might be far more heavier. She then lead us some where and suddenly start chanting and shoot a ball of fire to the sky brighten the area for a bit and enabled me to see an unbelievable sight. Kobolds' heads are all over on the ground. ""Ran-sama said not to be alarmed as each one of these heads are still alive and their bodies are buried."" "Seriously?" But, it's true as I vaguely hear snore coming from them. Just like having a picnic, the cute angel sit down and was followed by Lulu. I do too as it's feel uncomfortable to be the only one left standing. ""Ran-sama lead some of us in the other night, battle them and captured every single one of them."" "Not even one was killed?" ""Ran-sama only said she defeat them, but it's all those who go into the battle are the one who tell us that Ran-sama insist it so and even treat their wounds."" "Why she show me these guys?" ""Hmmm... Ran-sama said she has no real reason. She also said having conversation in such a dark cave would make a human feel uncomfortable and she want to have a closer look at your face."" I feel quite irritated at the answer and respond rudely to Lulu. Since, Lulu is faithful, I thought the cute angel would be angry, but I can't shake my suspicious of both of them. I then ask various questions to the cute angel through Lulu. However, Lulu seem to have problem translating back what the cute angel has to say.

Friday 31 October 2014

151st Post-Vivian's POV:Cute Angel Pt.6

151-I am pretty sure the voices come out from cute angel's mouth is far less then that translation. ""Ran-sama say her name is Ran-sama and want to know your name?"" -Hmmm... Asking one name in exchange of her own, though I already know it from this goblin, who don't stop talking: Ran-sama this, Ran-sama that. However, I need to find out if the cute angel is truly a homogoblin or not. "The name is Vivian. You is a monster while I am a human so, what is the reason of all your actions?" The cute angel seem to discuss something with goblin Lulu and goblin Lulu sigh a bit as a response. ""Ran-sama said she has no reason for anything she had done them for any of you human."" "No reason? You has gotta be kidding me. She is lying, right?" ""Ran-sama will never lie."" "....." After the two say something to each other, the cute angel make her way to the cave entrance and start to undo the locking mechanism she made before. ""Ran-sama want you to follow her."" I feel kinda bad, but maybe she want to show me something. "Go where?" Lulu doesn't reply and only go to wake up an old looking female goblin, Lulu's team leader, who was leading the goblins during cooking. Instead of following us outside with the cute angel, the elder stay at the entrance. However, the cute angel went back in and bring with her one big urn filled with water on just one hand and a cup on the other hand. -How can such a petite girl hold such a big urn with just one hand?

150th Past-Vivian's POV:Cute Angel Pt.5

150-It's a blonde human woman. I don't know her of course, as I haven't been talking to anyone since every women who join me in the dark place will eventually die in a year or so and even faster if they're too feisty and keep trying to escape. With a black knife in her hand, she approach and enter the cute angel's room. Moment later, she start talking something on line of "Don't move!" It's seem the cute angel doesn't even bother to fight and has both of her hands on both side of her head, signaling her surrender as her throat is just inches away from the black knife wield by the blondie. It's kinda unreal thinking that she is suppose to be a homogoblin, but she look afraid. I always thought monsters to be fearless, but this cute angel isn't like that at all. Seeing that face, again I feel tightening in my heart. I have never married so, I don't have my own children, so I am not sure is this feeling is actually motherly love or not, but before I know it, I already hit the woman hard that she fell unconscious, even I myself can't believe it. After years become sex slave to monsters and their child maker, it's impossible for me to has such strength or drive. Is it because of the cute angel? Nonchalantly, like nothing really happened, she walk past me and shook the body of goblin Lulu until she wake her up. It seem she want to talk to me. ""Ran-sama say is there anything you want to say to her?" -Okay, she think I am the one who want to talk with her, but...

149th Post-Vivian' POV:Cute Angel Pt. 4

149-When other monsters start to desert into the cave, while some stay and start doing something else that isn't magic chanting, the cute angel seem to celebrate something. Some spikes unnaturally formed meters away from her. Earth magic? I want to observe more, but goblin Lulu tell us to go to sleep. I didn't realized it before, but each of this room has double storey earth beds built into the wall on both sides of the room and all of us were given the upper beds. Probably to make it easier to keep tab on us. I then climb into my bed using a prepared stair. The beds are hard as they're no mattresses nor pillows except for blankets made from hides. I am not sure if all the other women has gone asleep, but the one across my bed was snoring. The fireplace in the center of the cooking place were left lit, so there are some dim light coming in as the rooms' weird doors were left open. As the fire in the fireplace start to dim, some noises can be heard coming respectively from both of the entrances' doors. I quietly crept to have a sneak peek to the source of noises only to see the cute angel is fixing some mechanism on the doors. After look pretty satisfied, she went to the room between both the entrance and passage way. Her own private room? Unlikely, as I am very sure every single room here has two double storey earth beds. As I about to climb back into my bed, I hear foot steps, so I decide to spy again. I can see a figure approaching the kitchen.

148th Post-Vivian's POV:Cute Angel Pt.3

148-After a while, the cute angel accompanied by more female monsters come into this part of the cave, serving the meals and herbal tea, while those who were helping with cooking take a breather. They also took the food outside, probably to feed the rest of the monsters. We were made to sit together with the monsters and they seem to try to sit close to the cute angel, but they're no way we are eating these monsters' food no matter how good their smell are. Goblin Lulu was trying hard to convince us to eat the food, but stop when the cute angel say something and smile at us. My heart go "kyu". If they're not here, I would probably hug her as a response to her unbelievable cute charm. After done eating, the cute angel leave into a passage way that lead into the main cave. Except for six female goblins, two were unbelievable old looking, every monsters surround the cute angel and she start to talk in loud voices but still sound cute. She sound mad and threatening but that doesn't look convincing with her angelic face. After a while, the gathering seem to turn into teaching session. I am not sure what, but the cute angel teaching them something. Some kind of incantation, maybe. Afterward, every of those monsters went outside at the front of the cave and start chanting. She taught them magic incantation? Another teaching session between her and the twelve homogoblins start not long after. Once in a while, she would play with dirt and make what it seem to be miniature castle.

147th Post-Vivian's POV:Cute Angel Pt.2

147-Unexpectedly, the cute angel can't speak in human language. After all of us change into the clothes she and the homogoblins has brought, the cute angel pick up our old torn-down clothes and leave, followed by the homogoblins. Goblin Lulu seem to praise the cute angel on almost everything. The clothes she gave us were sewn by her and even these very rooms and every single things in it were built by her, which unbelievable. For dinner, food were prepared in the main hall of this cave, there are normal stool kitchens, complete with holes that function like a chimney. Every single cookware, like pots, jars, laddles, cups, mugs, bowls and even spoons were black-colored pottery. The knives were also black, but thin and look rather sharp. To my surprise the very smell of heaven that I have been smelling were cooked right in front of my eyes by these monsters. In regard of cooking, Goblin Lulu seem to continue her praise on the cute angel as the members of her group were all taught how to cook by her one and only Ran-sama. She even go as far showing off their herbs nursery, saying the nursery started by Ran-sama used to be small and now it's already really large in mere days. The most shocking and craziest of all is when she said her Ran-sama just become a homogoblin today and she is just 13days old.

146th Post-Vivian's POV:Cute Angel Pt.1

146-In each glitter, I can see a glimpse of a cute angel with pearl white skin, jet-black hair and black pupil eyes, reddened and flooded with tears. Thought have pointy ears, the cute angel has a face much more similar to human then an elf. A half-elf? An unexpected hope just appear. However, I was carried out from the dark place by a female homogoblin and was later placed in a much brighter room. The cute angel then start to spoon feed each one of us with some delicious food and plain water. She then leave us under a supervision of a goblin who can talk in human language. I thought the cute angel would bring us away from these monsters, but the goblin named Lulu, seem to refer the angel as Ran-sama and keep telling us that Ran-sama is their leader. After disappear for hours, the cute angel come back carrying some kind of clothing I have never seen before together with seven female homogoblins in leather outfits. Unlike the homogoblins, the outfits the cute angel was wearing look like some kind of robe, but shorter with a pair of pants. Both were made from some animals' hides. She also wear a set of matching animals' paws and feet of gloves and boots. Her entire outfits are fluffy including a huge backpack on her back also made from animals' hides, which match her cute angelic face except for a gauntlet made from some animal's scales on her left arm.

145th Post-Vivian's POV:Smell of Heaven Pt.3

145-Occasionally, I start to feel some kind of vibration. It's frequency start to increase more often especially after I start to smell the smell of heaven twice a day, and can even be feeled when the monsters are raping us. -I will die in a cave-in and only just after that, I will be eaten? One day, the vibration is at it's strongest. It's ten time stronger then normal and I start to think, 'this is it'. -This is the day I will finally die. I then ready myself and continuously praying for my death, waiting for the vibration to pass and deliver me the death I have been waiting ever since the first day I smell heaven. However, my expectation was easily betrayed as the vibration die out after a couple of hours. Nothing happen. There are no cave-in unlike my expectation and wishes. -Will it come on the next much more stronger vibration? Minutes later, a very loud howl originated from within this very place and start to echo through out the entire cave. If I am not greatly weaken, I would probably has my hands on both of my ears, blocking them from the deafening howl. Vividly I can hear the voices of monsters and one of them sound like scream and screeching. After a while only unfamiliar monsters' voices can be heard and for the first time, rays of light start to glitter in the darkness of this dark place. -What is going on?

144th Post-Vivian's POV:Smell of Heaven Pt.2

144-At long last, I finally fall into despair and there isn't time, when I am not wishing for my own death. All the women who came with me to this hell hole has all died and were dragged away. I doesn't know what the monsters do to The the women's corpses, but most probably they will be eaten. When the last of them die, I decide to keep only to myself and never speak again to anyone. I no longer wept and make a single noise, just like a living doll. Still alive but dead inside and simply wait for my own turn to die as well. One day, I start to smell something. It's smell awfully nostalgic, but I have long forgotten what it is. -Is it the smell of heaven? Is it because the place was too dark, instead of light of heaven, I get to smell heaven? Since I didn't die during my last child birth 6 days ago, is god telling me my death will come in the next child birth? Day by day the smell of heaven has started to get stronger and sweeter to the point I start to smell them from the hands and mouths of the monsters who come to rape me and other women. -Mouths and hands, huh? So my death is to be food for these monsters? That would be even better. I can't wait for another two weeks until my expected child birth. It's the most bizarre child birth where everyone will give birth to multiple baby monsters just like how rats, cats, dogs and pigs are. Not only that, the pregnancy only last for a month or so and our stomach will swollen almost immediately a week after being raped.

143rd Post-Vivian's POV: Smell of Heaven Pt.1

143-Vivian's point of view: I has already lost count how many days, months and even years, I have been here. How much more monsters, I will give birth to? Every morning they will force me and every women here to eat some slimy smelly things that I can't even consider as food. At night, those monsters would rape us and if they're too many of them, multiple of them would rape me at the same time. They will beat us if we try to run. The first time I hear the sound of beating, I bury all my thoughts on escaping and pray some one will come and rescue us from this dark hell. There isn't a single shred of light ever bask this place, to the point I start to forgot how the monsters look like. The women who used to keep trying to escape start to grow weaker and weaker from the endless beatings, rapes and eventually die from child birth. When our number start to dwindle, new women will be brought here and thus start another cycle of beatings, births and deaths. I used to think as long as I persevere, everything will be fine. I have live a long life but never once I thought my perseverence would lost to despair. Before being captured by the monsters who keep me here, I have already experience this kind of living hell but my perseverence always prevail until now that is. I start to question my perseverence and regret for never try to escape before, as I no longer can exert an ounce of strength to move. Now, I couldn't even get to kill myself by biting off my tongue.

142nd Post-"27? Really?"

142-"If I sit/rest with someone who think of me as friend, I can somehow feel it, but I can't tell who." It seem Vivian laugh when she hear the explanation from Lulu. ""She say it's such an unreliable power."" "Huh? You guys are the reason I have it in the first place, hmph!" Suddenly, Lulu start to hug me and pat my head gently. ""There! There! Your cute face will go ruin if you make a long face."" "Ah..... Stop it and don't call me cute." -Gah, I am pretty sure my face has gone all red. There go my rep, zzz "Ask her how long she had been here?" ""She has no idea how long, but all the women who were brought along with her has long dead."" "Say what? Dead? How long usually a woman brought here usually last?" ""1~2 years."" "Ask her, how old is she when she was captured?" ""She say 27."" -27? Really? People might assume she would be older because the years she spent here, but her wisdom is clearly shooting off the roof which doesn't make sense. I decide to close the case for now as it's true that she look 32 now. Even Lulu has her own share of experience, but I decide not to ask. It's kinda obvious, but it would be great if my assumption was wrong. "Hmmm... Lulu, can you teach me human's language?" ""You want to learn, Ran-sama?"" "Of course! I prefer to talk directly to them by myself."

141st Post-Aren't they your enemies?"

141-"She ask: Why didn't you just kill both the kobolds and the pig-orcs? Aren't they enemies?"" "If I do that, you won't be standing here right now." ""She ask: What do Ran-sama intend to do with them."" "That will be depend on each individual." ""She ask what Ran-sama's really meant."" "Sure, I will do all in my power to return all of you back to your family and hometown, including the pig-orcs' slaves, but is that really a right thing to do? Some people especially circumstances slaves, just freeing them will only bred more trouble." ""She ask: So you intend to turn them into your slaves, instead?"" "Slaves are a little bit too harsh. I prefer the term subordinates, employees, or even better, friends." ""Do you plan to do the same to both kobolds and pig-orcs?"" "In their case I can't let them free because they has proven they're a threat and I will force them to be my slave if I have to as I don't want to kill them." ""She didn't say anything."" *Sigh* Later, Lulu seem to say something to Vivian and she seem a little shock. "What you said to her?" ""I told her about what happen back in the cave and your power."" "I seriously hope you don't go around spreading that. It's can't be control nor useful." ""You can't really control it?"" "It's not even a vision, it's more like over flowing mixture of feelings." ""Huh? Vivian want to know if you already figure how to control it?"" "Why should I tell?" *Sigh* "Fine!"

140th Post-"Don't call me short, tch!"

140-I decide to bring water with me so, I went back to the 4th cave for some cooked drinking water. Upon return with one big urn filled with water in one hand, I lead the three of us to the kobolds. I then cast fireball to the sky to light the area. It seem the sight trouble Vivian. She become even more suspicious of me. "Don't give me that look, these guys aren't just heads and still breathing." ""She ask why show her these guys?"" "Why? No reason really. Having a talk in the cave would be too uncomfortable, right? Plus, I want to have closer look at your face." When Lulu translate that Vivian feel irritated. ""She say that is none of Ran-sama's concern."" "Ask her what she really think of me?" ""She ask what are you?"" "What am I?" ""She don't believe you is a homogoblin. A white skinned homogoblin and a short one at that is unheard off."" "Don't call me short, tch! Plus, what is wrong with being human-like? Did she ever wish to be born as a human? I know I don't wish to become like this." ""She ask will Ran-sama free each one of them?"" "I have that in mind as well, but is that really a right thing to do? Won't you guys will be eaten by some monsters or..." I then drag her to the tip of the hole where the three pig-orcs are kept in their cages and I cast fireball to the sky again to light the area. "Interested to being caught by them? They belong to a group of slave traders and I intend to help the slaves caught by them too, but I can't do that just yet."

139th Post-No reason.

139-I can't believe I am in the mercy of some one else, but why she not shred my neck/throat already? I might sound calm but my heart is already running like crazy. *Sigh* It's one of the women, she has a long blonde hair that will probably look dashing if she were not in this predicament. -Agh!!! I give up. The moment she wound me, I will apprehend her. I raise my hands up. She is bitching something, probably something like: Don't move! Suddenly, another woman appear behind the blondie and hit her hard, that she fainted. She has jet-black hair just like me. -Okay, what now? *Sigh* I am shorter then both of them, but whatever. I think I should wake up Lulu. Since I try to be as quite as possible, it take a while to wake her up. With Lulu as translator; "So, what is the deal?" Lulu look at me like she can't believe I just said that, but she translate it anyway, probably add some flower but I don't really care. "Oh, tell her my name is Ran." ""Her name in other hand is Vivian and she want to know why you do what you did."" "Why? If I say for no reason would she be angry?" ""Ran-sama? Do you want me to tell her that?"" "Yes, please." ""She think you are suspicious, Ran-sama."" I then told Lulu to ask her to follow me. Vivian unexpectedly tie up the blonde girl as I remove the mechanism to seal the sliding doors of the entrance, but before that I ask Lulu to wake Gobubaba to safeguard the entrance for a bit.

138th Post-I need to gain more knowledge

138-I need to start think of merits system if I want everyone to always be motivated. The pig-orcs seem to be involve with slave-trades so it's either done for money or women or food. I need to gain more knowledge of this world too and for that, I need is exploring. Just going on foot won't cut it. For fast traveling in medieval age it's has to be on ship. It's not like horses and those giant comodo lizards are slow, but if we travel blindly, there are chances of getting lost and making map will take too much time. After done with tomorrow preparation, I check on the homogoblins. It seem they're already laying claim on the 5th cave, though there are still no doors. After I am done with my personal preparation, I sealed all the entrances into the 4th cave with some wood and branches just enough so that the doors will make loud screeching noise when forced open from the outside. I then check on the human women. I have already give permission for Gobubaba's team: Herbs Research and Development Team to take residence in the 4th cave to help safeguard the human women. For that purpose all of them sleep on the lower beds while the human women sleep on the upper beds. I wonder if I should ask all seven of the female's homogoblins to fill up the remaining seven empty beds. Just as I am about to sleep, a shadow crept to me fast and my neck is now under the mercy of the attacker, but she stop. I expect a direct hit to the neck so I already put up magic coat.

137th Post-"Only if they're criminals."

137-"Not with them." ""???"" "Only if we obtain female criminals." ""Criminals?"" ""Bandits?"" "Yeah." ""Prisoners?"" "Only if they're criminals." ""When the war, leader?"" "Remember I told you to lead your subordinates to keep tab on the kobolds' village?" ""Yeah? Is leader telling us to fight a war against them, but we will surely die."" "Leave the fighting to me and the other young ones. You just do what you were told." ""So, you will reward us with women criminals if we do?"" "Only if you done a good job and promise to treat them nicely. No ripping off their clothes, only one at a time ,no orgy and some other rules that I will add later." ""More rules?"" "Do you want or not?" ""No, we will do it, gladly."" "Oh, keep tab on the pig-orcs' mine at the hill across the stream as well." ""We don't want pig-orc's females."" "So, you prefer I give you none at all?" ""Only if leader don't give us their females."" "Why?" ""They're huge!"" -Okay, the last part sound weird. They just don't like all large females in general and it's not because the pig-orcs are ugly. Whatever work I guess, I will keep the pig-orcs' slaves' matter just to myself. It will be troublesome if I they know about them, as they has human women fetish.

Thursday 30 October 2014

136th Post-Power of Insight

136-I found Gobujijie and two other male elders doing dogeza at the 4th cave. "What are you guys doing?" ""We are sorry, leader." ""Please forgive us."" "On what?" ""Lulu told us that you has the power of insight."" ""We are sorry for making leader feel pain and suffering."" -Power of insight? Is that how it look to Lulu and the others? Pretty handy and nifty explanation. "So, mind telling me why you all didn't do it with our own kind? Because it's feel good?" ""That too, but..."" "But?" ""Even if we want to do it with a female goblin, they would refuse and..."" "and?" ""Babies will come out less."" -Low infertility? For weak, low intelligent goblins in a world filled with strong monsters that will surely lead to extinction. Unlike human who live in large society and build strong walls to fend monsters. Or other demi-human like kobolds who are build to kill with their in-born hunting instinct and good sense of smell. Even the pig-orcs are superior with their large body stature, good sense of smell and strength to boot. The only ability or skill the goblins is equip with is night vision and living in society. If we compare goblins with monkeys, they would still come out inferior. *Sigh* It's not entirely their fault, it's just their way of life. "It's fine already." ""So, can we do them again?"" "No!" ""Please..."" "No! Mean no!" ""Please......"" *Sigh* Want it or not, our species need to expand. "Fine! One of you or your subordinates is probably my father, but..." ""But?""

135th Post-Drills

135-However, it's not like obtaining them is really a problem. It seem monsters in labyrinth-like caves where I and the seven met some human adventurers, have almost 100% to have them inside their body. I have obtain some colorless ones from the big rabbits inside the caves though, but they're like glasses. The tougher the magic stones, the more magic in it? But, that is just my assumption though. It seem relaxed and enjoyable rest only activated when I am resting with the goblins who like me. It's probably handy to gauge those who hate me. I already told anyone who are tired, that they can retire themselves, so after a while it's just me and the homogoblins. Actually they all has start playing, working on something or even sparing one another whenever they feel bored just like how I end up making clay bricks, potteries, clay weapons and some time swinging clay sword, whenever I rest to recover my mana. Earth spike is a really hard to use magic. It's slow and unlike bolt-type magic, I has to concentrate on the ground and a spike of made from earth will appear. I think it's not cool to punctured some one's asses, so I try to redirect the way or the direction the spikes appear from the ground. Since dirt are fragile the spikes are pretty fragile too, so I try to harden them but that seem to fail so, I change my approach and focus on rotating the spikes. Which end up look like screws or drills. When it's reach lvl2, I decide it's time to retire as anyone else already too.

134th Post-Stone Curse

134-After finish hearing today's report, I then start telling them about magic. I told them of the basic concept of elements that I have known so far, before teaching them the incantation of fire bolt. Afterward, we all went outside of the main cave for them to test it out, but the goblins seem to has problem memorizing instead. While the goblins try out or memorized the incantation, I teach cold bolt's incantation to the homogoblins. I then concentrate on casting earth magic but fail. In depression, I start to play with dirt and imagine to move it using magic and I accidently figure on how to make mold out of dirt when I make a small dirt castle. I figure that earth magic is all about restricting movement and not about hurling mass of earth. It's never about throwing or shooting the dirt, because earth is immovable. It's only appear to move, but it's actually just crumble. "I make my will immovable and impregnable. As I become one with the earth, Earth become one with me. We are one. My will is the earth's will. Stone Curse!" "Learn lvl1-Stone Curse." "Learn lvl1-Earth Spike." -Huh? Two spells? So, the keywords used in the Kobold mages' Rock Pillar's spell is Earth Spike? I can't really cast stone curse. It's require red gem which I call as fire stone to cast, the same way as sanctuary, which require blue gem. Both are wasteful skills to use as require magic stones that are only can be found some time inside monsters.

133rd Post-Chauvinists' Bull-shits

133-"From now on the 4th cave will now be forbidden to all males. Goblins or homogoblins alike." """Yes, sir!!!""" -Waaa! I like that. "Gobujijie and the gang, you guys are on my blacklists!" I make hand signal saying "I am watching you!", while saying that. ""!!!"" "Everyone who do will feel my wrath of being beaten by me personally and will have pig-orcs as roommates." """!!!""" -Pretty convincing threat if I say myself. Why? Because being beaten by me is normal but a pig-orc? Is there any goblins dumb enough to be the first? I have confidence in Jin, Kame, Byakko, Rai and Sei, though. They're still too young to have sexual drive and before that happened, I will drill into them how to treat women right. Respect? Gentlemanly? Those are chauvinists' bull-shits. Modern world's chauvinists' has the world's in their palms playing feminists' charade on global scale. The reason why porn industry even exist in the first place. I then hear both the report by team "1" and team Sentries. Team "1" report that the left path of the crossroad in the cave lead to a dead end but they retire afterward due to fatigue. "I am expecting more though, like they found the back entrance of the pig-orcs' mine. Gobujijie's team seem to has hard time trying to observe the kobolds' village even with a big group of 15. After camp out at the top of the hill, they only see some small hunting group of 2~3 kobolds. Next time, I will have to tag along them so the group could become better.

132nd Post-Herbal Tea

132-"Learn Advance Sewing." "Learn Advance Handicrafts." "Learn lvl2-Relaxing Rest." "Learn lvl2-Enjoyable Rest." *Sigh* I though I am a man inside but for some reason I feel jealous of the other female goblins' figure. -Gah! This is frustrating. When we done trying out the bikinis, sweet smell start filled the air as Gobubaba and some other female goblins are almost done with cooking for dinner. It's stew of bats' meats and hares' meats, fishes soup and herbal teas. It seem Gobubaba has figure out what herbs that taste sweet to be use for making tea. We then help serving the dinner to everyone, while those who help cooking, slaughtering and harvesting today's kills get some rest. Talking about the human women are too depressing, but it doesn't distract me of what I make them do this evening. Together with the nine women, me, female homogoblins, the "ten" and some female goblins, start eating dinner in 4th cave, though they don't even touch their foods even after Lulu try to convince them. The rest of the goblins and the five male homogoblins have their dinner in the main cave. After everyone finish eating, I gather them in the main cave except some female goblins, Gobubaba and Gobunanie to stay and look after the nine women. It will be troublesome if they run away as the forest is full with monsters and not to mention slave hunter pig-orcs live in the neighbouring hill.

131st Post-Wetting the floor

131-After ordering Gobubaba and her subordinates to start with the cooking immediately after team "1" has return, I with the help of female homogoblins move all nine women to the rooms in the 4th cave. Once there, I start spoon feed each one of them the leftovers from today's lunch. Afterward, I taught team "3" who just arrive with the help of team "0", but almost half were already gone though. I then used fireball to melt the ice so the washing or should I say wetting the floor of the main cave and sweep all the nasty things off the cave into the dried up pool, while team "1" back to their duty of fetching the water. I then start making gowns for pregnant women using rabbit's hides to fit each of every nine of the women, though three of them actually look just like middle schoolers. It's unexpected but the muscle brain Tio has nimble hands. I send the useless duo, Genbu and Seryuu out of the 3rd cave as they keep messing things up. Lulu who is able to talk in human language was left in charge of the women. We also were able to change those women out of their torn-out clothes, with her help. Without her, I would probably just force them. I then wash their old clothes, take out the buttons and use them together with rabbit hides to turn them into blouses and long skirts. Since they're many helpers, I also make panties and slippers for each of the nine women and experimental bikinis to use as bras for me and each of the female homogoblins. Each of us get three pairs each.

130th Post-Lulu

130-I know I am being unreasonable and hysterical, but... This shaking, this goosebump, how a girl overcome them? Just don't think about them? I don't realized it but suddenly someone hug me. I try to push him/her away, but... I decide not to. I knew how strong I am. This thin arms hugging me might break if I do. Whoever this is, it's a she. Gobubaba? No! Her scent has a little bit smell of herbs. She then gently pat my head. A feeling new, even for my past self. It's calming my heart and I start to relax. "Learn lvl1-Relaxed Rest." "Learn lvl1-Enjoyable Rest." -I can't believe I learn new skills during this kind of ordeal. "You stink!" ""Ugh, sorry for hugging you just now, Ran-sama."" "No honorific please and help me stand." I then get myself on my feet. It's still a little wobbly but I could manage. To be honest I feel awful, but luckily I didn't hurl. Puking is something my past self has put restriction on as something you must not do, ever. Why? It's a waste of food. "What is your name?" ""Lulu, Ran-sama."" "Don't call me that." ""No, I won't call Ran-sama other then Ran-sama."" *Sigh* -Another weirdo? My past self was also a weirdo, but he never really meet anyone else just like him. The most he met were crazy people, which different then being weirdo because a weirdo isn't crazy. They're just different. I then crept near to the nine women, I am not sure how much they're suffering, but this has to end. I then use heal on each one of them.

129th Post-This is just sick

129-""Dunno, but this path lead to the storage room."" The further we go in, the stinkier it is. It make me nausea and I feel like I want to hurl the inside of my stomach. As we walk deeper inside the path start to widen and I can start see stash of loots, many wooden boxes stacked on one another and lying on the cold floor are nine human women at the deepest corner of the room. It's not a pretty sight. "Waahhh!!!" I start to wallow in some mixes of feelings. -Those women, they has dead eyes, bruises are all over each one of their bodies, old and new ones. Most of all, each and every single one of them were pregnant. They were raped. Every single days? How long has they been in here? I can see how lifeless every single one of them. Not even my wallowing effect them. Memories from my past life start to play like crazy. Memories of looking into the pictures and videos of sex-abused victims of wars, terrors or sex-trafficking. I start to imagine I am in their shoe. Thinking I will be pregnant with a child of the bastard, who do me. -Even worst, my past self just love porn. He don't even mind rape genre. -This is just sick. The twelve homogoblins start to panic. The howling even start to attract the Gobujijie and his subordinates. He ask what happened to Jin, but Jin just shake his head, so Gobujijie start to approach me. My eyes accidently look at his bulging crotch. "Go away! Don't come near me!" I don't know what I am going to do. Fear is running through all my entire body. I am shaking and tears flow.

128th Post-"Human? What are you guys talking about?"

128-Unlike the 4th cave the 5th cave has only five rooms instead of six and two passage ways. One to the main cave and the other just dead end. It's on Re'ne's suggestion. She say it's for next time they would need a new cave. I always thought, she is smart, but to think by her own accord? That is just superb. I told her if there will be the sixth cave It's unwise to join them together, plus it's not symmetrical. It won't do us good if they're too many entrances that lead to the main cave, as it's make defending the main cave harder. "Isn't I always sleep in the 4th cave? Why me has got anything to do with the defense of the main cave?" ""The only one worth defending is you, our leader. Not some stuffs we don't know anything about or some human."" "Human? What are you talking about?" ""They're some human captives among the things stored in a room at the far back of the main cave."" ""Gobujijie and other male adult goblins always have *** with them."" -Sex slaves right under my nose? If I am a male right now, I might rejoice, but I am currently not. Slaves for cheap labours and to freed them from mistreatment is fine, but just for ***? "Take me to them!" The twelve homogoblins lead me deep inside the main cave. The atmosphere inside are damp, smelly and quite cold. -How deep inside is this cave? After a while, we reach a cross roads where it split into four paths. We take the furthest right and went inside. "Where are the other paths lead us?"

127th Post-Kobolds' Side Pt.2

127-""If we could catch her... We could have ourselves the greatest blacksmith."" ""Greatest?!"" "....." """......""" ""Cyrus-chief, why didn't you say anything for a while now?"" "I am just thinking about her deals and her threats." ""That witch really is really over her head if she think she can take on the entire village."" """If you think about it, she didn't threaten us, she just saying that she will do the same as what she do to us.""" ""You are pretty calm. Why? Do you really think she won't kill us?"" """She did spare every single one of us. If some of us actually die, I might not be so sure and....""" ""And?"" """Her eyes.""" ""Her eyes?"" """They're cloudy.""" ""I thought you are going to say pure or innocent."" "Hmmm.... Cloudy, huh? I thought so too... So it's just a mere whim?" ""What do you mean chief?"" "I thought the homogoblin was born special. The goblin king perhaps, but she was just the same as anyone of us." ""Was?"" "Yeah, but she defy that fate." ""Isn't that foolish?"" """She is the reason 12 goblins become homogoblins in two weeks and you still say that?""" "She is foolish and I have never dream such a guy to exist." """The homogoblin is a she, chief.""" "So, how about you? Don't you always keep on and on that greatness doesn't defined by gender? That homogoblin is on the same page as you." """.....""" ""I don't mind really. A sight where a goblin tend to the injuries of us kobolds, who are enemies and from different species, IS a miracle.""

126th Post-Kobolds' Side Pt.1

126-Kobolds side: ""Cyrus-chief what should we do?"" "What do you guys think of that homogoblin?" ""She is strong! Too strong and wicked ""If you know, why didn't you tell us when this good for nothing team leader told us to split."" "No, that is a good call. Even if it's not her, goblins can see clearly even in the pitch dark night." ""Cyrus-chief..."" "Any of you sentry fight against her?" ""It's easy to tell. She is the goblin who carry around a giant backpack and a gauntlet made from armored badger's scales on her left arms."" ""Easy for you to say. All I remember were arrows suddenly come flying out of no where and a goblin along with them. Bam! Then everything go dark."" ""You fainted?"" ""You doesn't even struggle?"" ""I seriously thought I am going to die, but she..."" ""Yeah......"" ""She treat our wounds....."" ""I remember she suck out your wound and spit...."" """That because she used poison arrows.""" """She used poison daggers too.""" """Those daggers are seriously sharp. I have never seen anything as sharp before.""" "What it's made off?" """Probably made from obsidian rocks, but it's surprisingly thin.""" "So, that's why she want blacksmith. She is already really good at making weapons made from mere rocks. If she ever learn how to make iron or steel weapons, they would be a masterpieces." ""If she armed all of her subordinates with them. They will be very strong."" *Gulp!*

125th Post-"My stomach hurt."

125-"Why? How about you tell me why you ask for reinforcement yesterday? There gotta be some reasons, right?" ""....."" "So, mind telling me?" ""It's the raid party. We didn't see them when we first scout this place and...."" "Raid party?" ""We did expect the raid party would return anytime soon, but... Not with that many homogoblins."" "Hahahaha... OMG! That just..... Hahahaha... My stomach hurt." ""Why are you laughing?"" "If those homogoblins belong to a raid party, would they take orders from a mere goblin?" ""???"" "Don't give me that dumb look. Those homogoblins just rank up on that day." ""That many in the same time?"" "Why are you so surprise? Isn't it normal?" ""What kind of joke is this? Are you telling me they're the same age as you?"" "There might be a slight different by a couple of days, but yeah." ""Become a homogoblins in two weeks? That is just insane."" "That is the fact." ""So, what will you do? Become my slaves or simply wait for your allies? Your allies might share the same fate as you guys though." ""....."" "This time, I will ask the little guys and then the wise elderly. I wonder what I will learn." ""Is that a threat?"" "Of course not. Anyway, I won't gag all of you, so be nice and no shouting or yelling. We might have clear up the place into big open space, but that doesn't guaranteed your safety from monsters. If you know what I meant." Team "zero" and "3" still hasn't arrived, but I am not in a hurry. I then left to check on the twelve homogoblins.

124th Post-"Pledge loyalty to me."

124-All of them look really hot from the noon's heat, thirsty and hungry, so I bring an urn filled with water and a cup where I start feeding them water one by one. I also cast many cold bolts until I run out of mana around the ground where the kobolds were buried. ""Freed us!"" ""Just kill us!!"" ""......"" *Sigh* "You are the one who try to kill us, first." ""What do you want from us?!"" "......" ""Why there are pig-orcs inside the hole you spend quite a long time in?"" "The same reason as you are." ""What other things in the hole."" "Your new prison cells, I am currently building. It's quite hard to make though. I am not sure how to imprison mages and to make sure they didn't use magic." "".....''" "After then, maybe we could have a decent talk." ""Bring us your leader, let negotiate."" *Sigh*"Who the leader of your side?" ""Me!"" "What's your name?" ""Cyrus K.Grey."" "Mine Ran." ""Bring me your leader."" "You all are looking at her." ""Is this true?"" ""No, the leader is a female goblin druid."" *Sigh*"I am that goblin, I just rank up this morning." ""You are no druid."" I throw a rock at the guy and then use heal on him."" "Believe me now?" "'What do you want?"" "Pledge loyalty to me." ""......"" "I know you think your village will come to rescue, but rest assured, they too will be captured as well." ""Capture? Why do you insist on keeping us alive?"" "Cheap labours, blacksmiths, magic teaching, technology, soldiers, books, etc." ""?""

123rd Post-Not even one fish

123-Since my previous wagons were heavy even without loads, only #3 and #6 able to pull them. Once at the stream, I give each one of them my old wooden spears to use for catching fishes while I used frost drive to make many big blocks of ice and loaded them onto the wagons. I then check on team "3", except for #3 and #6, the rest doesn't even able to catch not even one fish. However, I have no time to loose and make them all pull back all the ice blocks back to the well. Since, both #3 and #6 weren't even able to move the old wagons, I have to pull one and they had to pull the other one together. Each one of them pull the wagons at snail's pace, so I leave them to dust and when straight to the main cave. After leave the ice inside the main cave, I went to the well and start align firewoods, bricks, pipes, water tanks, water taps, and prototype flush pumps that I made. I then set the well on fire using fireball and then sealed the well's mouth using the lid I made before. With that done, I went to check on team "zero" while pulling the previous wagon filled with empty urns. I instruct them to leave the bricks to dry, go help team "3" to pull their wagon and when that done use team 3's wagons, take empty urns from the 2nd cave and then fetch water to keep in the 2nd cave. After I finish instructing team "1", I feel like I want to talk with the kobold captives while waiting for team "3" to arrive, so I remove all of their gags.

122nd Post-Wooden Wheels

122- They're free to do anything except going outside of our home base, the area 300x100 surrounded by trench. Team "1" will be responsible for tonight dinner, but they wouldn't just only go to the jungle to hunt but I specified them to go to the cave on the hill near the pig-orcs' mine. I want them to hunt everything they hunt on the way especially bats, but stay vigilance and avoid running into the pig-orcs or any other stronger enemies or monsters. I want them to investigate the cave and report to me anything they could find as well general observation of pig-orcs' activities. Team "2" will be responsible on gathering herbs, picking up firewoods, and gathering fruits. I ask Gobubaba to follow and teach them herbiology. Team "3" will be responsible to clean the main cave. I spend a bit of time to make and taught how to make brooms. Since, it's also my first time, I also struggle quite a bit. I told them they will be helping me for the entire day. Afterward, I check on the 3 piglets and give them lunch. Then, I go to my workshop and start to made four new 4-wheeled wagon. Unlike my two previous clay wheeled wagons, these have wheels made from elastic woods and the method I used is quite similar to making bows. "Learn Intermediate Handicrafts." "Learn Beginner Carpentry." With that done, I decide to make six mops using some hides that doesn't look good to be used to make clothing. I then told them to pull all six wagons that I have to the stream.

121st Post-5th Cave

121-Seeing Re'ne speechless has always been priceless. She is like really smart. Her battle sense is just superb, but she easily panic, while Byakko on the other hand hot-headed and selfish. For the other goblins, I divide them into groups of six. There are 24 rankers plus ten subordinates of the 5 elders. I ask the elders what their specialties and except for Gobubaba, it seem they has none. 1-Herbs' Research and Development Team lead by Gobubaba,26 and Gobunanie, 17 and their four adult goblins subordinates will be responsible for taking care of nurseries. 2-Sentries Team lead by Gobujijie and two other male elder goblins, Gobukanie,20 and Gobuo,19 with their six male adult goblins subordinates which will responsible on keeping tab of the kobolds' village and done it in shifts. 0-Team "zero" lead by Sai. His team members are 4 female goblins of "ten" who aren't using crossbows, and #11. 1-Team "1" lead by #1 and #4 (#12~#15) 2-Team "2" lead by #2 and #5 (#16~#19) 3-Team "3" lead by #3 and #6 (#20~#23) After finish assigning the groups, I start to think it's time to modify the main cave. The twelve homogoblins has already really good at digging and building, maybe they have already capable to build rooms just like I did in the 4th cave and so I order them to build it's exact replica on the left side of the main cave. For team "zero", I assign them to make 300 bricks. While I taught them how to use the mold, I told the rest of the goblins to wait.

120th Post-Team Breaker

120-""How?"" "You know how I fight, right? Maintain your own health and stand your ground as you sap away your enemies' health." ""..o_O.."" -It's a pro-active roles, I knew they don't like it when they always get left out during a fight. The state of kobolds' sentries last night prove each one of them are hot-blooded. "As for Genbu and Kame you two will be supporters/line backers. You will stay vigilance of the surrounding, protect your friends' backs, attack whenever you has the chance and when you do, hit so hard that your enemies regret they ever born." ""Wooah!!!"" -I knew Genbu and Kame would like their new role especially Genbu since she isn't as tough as Kame but has decent speed and agility. They always unable to show their true strength because they're too busy defending and when they has to attack, they're too tired and wounded already. "The team lead by Re'ne and Byakko will be called as Team Breakers." ""Team Breakers??"" "Team that break open anything and everything." ""Like thieves?"" "That work too, but I prefer pirates, bandits, gangsters, etc." ""..o_O.."" "Re'ne and Byakko will be the enemies' worst nightmare. Ambush, backstab, taunt and exhaust them, physically and mentally." ""?"" "Figure it on your own. As for the four of you, Tio pair with Seryuu, Rai pair with Sei and will keep on switch between offense and defense so that one can recover while the other engage the enemies. You understand what I meant don't you, Re'ne?" ""It can't be.....""

119th Post-Team Assault

119-"I think we should balance both of your teams. Re'ne will join Tio and her friends from now on." ""What?"" "You guys rely too much on her. Just remember the fight with me. The moment she fall, all of you become easy picking, plus." ""Plus?"" "I want both Tris and Mint as new brains for you guys. Both of them has proven their worthy and able to be like Re'ne. Isn't you agree, Re'ne? Isn't that the reason you put them as key attackers during duel, despite they always use ranged attacks in hunt?" ".... Yeah...." ""Yeah, Speed Demon Rule!"" I only could chuckle at both Tris and Mint. *Sigh* "Isn't you twelve always together?" ""But, that because...."" "I only want Re'ne to help make the other team stronger." "But why?" "Because I want to appoint each one of you as leaders of two other subordinates. Yesterday, it's just one. The number of subordinates will later be increased to five, nine, a hundred, 3 hundreds and lastly 1000." ""Hundred? Thousand?"" "Okay, just forget that for now." "For now, the team that will be led by both Tris and Mint will be call as Team Assault." ""Team Assault??"" -I want to say A, but that too general. "Tris and Mint are the twin towers, the key attackers, will be responsible on surveillance, scouting and to size out the enemies. Jin and Eme will be defenders." ""Defenders? Like Kame?"" ""Yes! But not by through sheer strength. Dodge, parry, counter-attack, heal and maybe magic."

118th Post-"Size does matter."

118-Doesn't that just mean : "Size does matter"? I told them that we need to get even stronger and both the kobolds and the pig-orcs are our enemies has infiltrate our territory and has even try to eradicate us. "They underestimate us by only send 23 of their men, but we has successfully evade that fate with only 23 of us as well, but they will surely come from their village with a much bigger forces probably double our number, but we will fight!" ""Wooah!!!!"" "We will wait for them to come to us and before that happen we will train hard and make them regret ever try to attack us!" ""Wooah!!!!"" "When they happen to come to us we will ambush them in the forest!" ""Wooah!!!!"" "Some of us will enter their village and kidnap all their children, women and elders. We will use them to force the men to surrender." "'???"" "I will explain the attack strategy later but from tomorrow onward, we will have morning training." ""......."" "Duels will be held daily with the ranking will be announced every seven days." ""......"" "We will even use the pig-orcs and kobold captives in the duel." ""......"" "Every time anyone lose they will receive punishment in the form of labor by me." ""......"'" -Ugh, this is just retarded. I just want to bury my head in the ground. "To prepare for the attack, I will assign new groups to each and everyone of you." ""....."" "The homogoblins will all stay among themselves until I say otherwise." ""......"" "However...." ""?"'

117th Post-"Don't get carried away."

117- "The elders taught us." "Huh?" -Okay.... That is confusing. Why the honorific of goblins' language are the same with those that are left and not translated in manga/anime? When I think about it, many things are in Japanese, even my name sound Japanese. Is the creator of this world, a non-Japanese otaku like me? Or this world is actually a virtual game world created by some Japanese game developer company with translating engines like in anime/manga? That explain the voices of status update in my head, but.... -Ugh! My head! Let think about this later. After I told Sai, he can go, he start to cheer something on the line I am the best, I am the leader which irritate me so I hit him in the head. "Don't get carried away!" The ten female goblins look pretty disappointed too, but they already did quite well. They fill the rank no.1~10 after all. The league then escalate even among the homogoblins even myself included. I am undefeated of course. Respectively:- 1-Genbu 2-Kame 3-Re'ne 4-Tris 5-Mint 6-Eme 7-Jin 8-Tio (female shielder) 9-Seryuu (female estoc-user) 10-Byakko 11-Sei (male shielder) 12-Rai (male estoc user) It's an unarmed duel, so I already expect Genbu and Kame come out on top, but Tris and Mint to take the top five? As for the five, they took the bottom five as expected but the one leading is the female shielder? I am pretty sure she is the most timid and always has been dragged around by her friends despite her height of 175cm, only third after Genbu and Kame.

116th Post-Life Purpose

116-The very voices of status update are also one of the mystery that still unanswered and would lead to more mysteries. Try to solve all those mysteries would be a great goal for me as I am searching for my life purpose. My past self never seem to has any. He just a N.E.E.T., who only become a hard core "otaku" because he got nothing to do, no life goal and only good at complaining and blaming anything and everything. To be honest, I do too and the reason I do what I do all these 13days is probably because I want to live and luckily I now no longer shackled and I am free to do something about everything that I keep on complaining. I think I want to return and say "Hai!" to my parents and close relatives who know me. I don't know, maybe just for old time sake. Maybe I should try casting fireball at the president of U.S.A. and become the Luke Skywalker of the terrorists. To be honest that doesn't sound bad at all. Unconsciously, when I am flying in my dream world my right hand has been patting Sai's head just like what I always do to my younger cousins and nephews. "Ugh! Sorry." "It's fine Ran-sama. I enjoy it myself." "You like it like for real?" "Ehem!" "By the way what do you call me?" "Ran-sama?!" "-Sama? What does that even mean?" "It's mean lord." "So, is there like -san, -chan and -kun?" "Yeah?! Don't Ran-sama already know?" "Where do you even learn those?"

115th Post-Ranks

115-By the way, the rank's number start with "0" instead of "1". I like zero better since it's rhyme with hero. The one that come on top is a male goblin by the name Sai and unexpectedly followed by the ten female goblins. Sai give me a creep, though. He remind me of myself. -Is he the same as me? So, I call him over and whisper some random "words" from my past self's world like "Gomennasai", "Hello", "Oppa Gangnam Style!", "Selamat", "as-Salam". "Sawadikap", "Vanakam", etc. I try to use every single foreign words that I know, but he don't even react. *Sigh* It would be great if they're some one I can relate to. Some one like me or maybe someone who were teleported or summoned from the same world as me. Coming from some other world is also fine, though. The phenomena where my past self rebirth to this world as a goblin has gotta be a reason, a cause or at least some kind of explanations. As a devout believer of cause and effect of modern science, I never believe in coincidence. Reincarnation is also impossible after all, because everything has a start and an end. I don't think the me here in this world has the same exact soul as the one who live in the modern world. I am just a mere copy, a clone. Okay, that sound depressing but at least it cure me the impression that this world is my past self's punishment. That explain many things, right? Especially, the voices of status update that coming to my head during last night's dream. If this is a game, it's a game full of bugs.

114th Post-Chief of Herbs' Research

114-Jokingly I told her she should be the chief of herbs research and development, but it seem she take it seriously. "This old bones will greatly serve, the great lea....!" -Ugh! Quickly I cover her mouth. *Sigh* -Is she just about to call me the great leader? That really give me the hurl, but... After lunch I gather everyone as I told them about my plan to attack the kobolds' village. I also told them what happen last night and show everyone the stash of weapons, shields and crossbows, we swipe from the captives. They already knew though, the heads of the buried kobolds' are visible to everyone after all and the seven is one hell of a chatter box. They probably has told everyone. Afterward, as a reward for last night achievement, all 22 of those who were involved, I give the equipments and weapons of the kobolds that I think well suited for them. I give six crossbows to the female goblins and let them decide by themselves who will take them and four others will have to use other weapons. Since everyone knew, I mostly use bow, they unexpectedly eager to have the six crossbows. To be fair, I told them to have a league of their own and six who wins most of their matches will have the crossbows. The league between the ten goblins interest the other goblins to join as well, so I use it to decide the ranks between them. Those who has the same number of wins will has another league or death matches to decide who come on top.

113th Post-Prison Cells' Pipes

113-Since the tunnel are suppose to be the pipe for the prison cells' toilets, the tunnel was covered with bricks and splattered with mud to make it sturdier. The same was done to the rooms as well except for the smaller rooms as the pipes for their toilets hasn't been baked yet. We then filled the bigger rooms and the trench with firewoods and I set them off with fireballs and firebolts. While I at it, I teach them to remember the incantation for firebolt. I did plan to teach them anyway. It's kinda unexpected but it's Jin who has the aptitude for fire magic and not Genbu since it's fit her skin, hair and hot-blooded attitude. -Hmmm... Eme can also use heal just like Jin, it would be a great combo if she can use ice magic. The next magic I will teach them would be ice then. Afterward, I ask the twelve homogoblins to start making lunch already, so we went to the 4th cave to prepare for the feast. The ten goblins from last night also join for the preparation, bringing along offerings from other goblins that could be pitch in into the cooking. The ten not only has nimble hands, but they also quite a fast learner. Gobubaba and her two subordinates, Mamie and Lulu unexpectedly also join the preparation. It seem she has been joining the seven on taking care the herbs nursery and show quite an advancement in her knowledge of herbs. With her 26years of experience, she is clearly cut out from the rest and the foods' taste and smell even better then I can hope to achieve.

112th Post-"I just didn't know the right keyword."

112- I told them all of the magic spells I can used including magic coat, but without the lvl. "It take at least a year to learn Magic Coat even for a prodigy child and you do it in 5days? You filthy lying homogoblin!" I then used the magic coat in front of them to prove it. "Mage with the aptitude for three different elements are rare, why do you think you have the aptitude for four?" "I can already able to grasp the concept and feel Earth magic, I just didn't know the right keywords." "Did you just say keywords? Cast a spell, I want to see how you do it." I then cast a couple of frost driver around the kobolds. That should impressed them. -Maybe not. The wall around the hole has become quite hard, maybe I should start making prison cells for the kobolds before the walls get even harder. The hole is 20x60x3m cubic. I then start making ten 4beds-room cells on the 60m side of the hole's wall, just like how it's in the 4th cave. Just I about to do the same to the opposite side, the twelve homogoblins come into the hole. They would like to help out, so I told them to do the same way as I did on the opposite side, while I supervise them. Afterward, I start digging small sized trench from each of those rooms straight to the shit hole we made yesterday. The small trench will be the filled with pipes for the toilet. We then make 4 larger sizes 4beds-rooms suitable for big sized inmates like pig-orcs. I dig tunnel as the pipes for their toilets.

111th Post-"I am no human."

111- If only I can use Earth Magic, maybe I could easily made them. I made the pipes to be quite long, I fear the current oven is too small. Since, I decide not to fill up the well with water just yet, so I decide to use it as oven, but that can wait until later in the evening. For now, I will made a lid to use as the well's seal. I feel quite bored, so I decide to remove the three kobold mages' gag and has a talk with them. "Can you teach me how to cast Rock Bullet in Goblins' language?" "Did you just say Rock Bullet? I don't know such spell." "Really? How about Rock Shell?" "Don't know either." "....." "Did the goblins forced you to learn their language, human?" "I am no human." I point my pointy ears as I answer. "Rare variant homogoblin with white skin?" "Yeah, I guess." "Is that even possible?" "....." "Why didn't you ask the one who teach you magic in the first place." "I am looking at one of them right now." "Me? How is that even possible." "I have been copying and modified the spell incantations you and some other kobold mages used during hunts." "Why didn't ask other homogoblins to teach you magic?" "I am the only one who can use magic among us." ".....' "When did you first learned magic?" "5 days ago." "What spells you can use?"

110th Post-Hygiene

110-Is it 2 or is it 3 days? Having clear deadlines is like having clear goals. It's much more exciting this way. I then went back to the goblins' cave. I bury the three kobolds together with the rest. Just like I thought, the 12 homogoblins are no where to be seen. I has established a solid relationship with them, but is it the same for the other goblins? I then went back to the 3rd cave and start slaughtering and harvesting today's hunt. The meats should be plenty to feed all of them. They're 23 + 3 captives now. Private rooms are no longer an option. I also need to think for future use as well, plus hygiene. I then make a rough floor plan for the prison as well as a plan to turn it into some kind of basement and a building should be build on top of the hole because I don't know when it will be raining, but when it do, the hole will be flooded. Based on the floor plan, I start making molds for the pipes. As for the mud, I make ice at the stream instead of carrying water using urns or jars. This way, I could carry more water in one trip I and end up lvled up my cold bolt to lvl5 and learn Frost Diver. Both skills were lvled to lvl7 and 3 respectively. I decide to concentrate on making pipes, pipes connectors, water tanks, and prototype pumps for various things like flush toilets, but only the pipes and water taps turn out great.

109th Post-I don't want to be J.C.

109-But, they're still at the very trees, I hang them on. After I pluck those three and put them in my wagon, I decide to observe the kobolds village for a bit. I spy the village from quite a distance with the help of Attention Concentration, ofc. I can see some kobolds' children playing around, but I don't think they're some kind of tense atmosphere going on in the village. -Should we attack them or let them come? They're innocent children and old kobolds in the village. I should try to avoid them in a fight. Flush them out and then conquer? -I see, I come, I conquer~this Julius Caesar's phrase is pretty famous. I wonder if there any wisdom in it that I can use. Gengis Khan don't do "I come!" What does "I come" really do in a strategy? Wait! If "I come" is equal to my strategy to let the enemy come to me, the flush out strategy. Then, "I conquer" in J.C.'s phrase has difference meaning then just defeat the enemies. Both J.C. and G.K. build a large empire, though G.K. has wider territory, but J.C. has more civilians and last longer. How do you get more civilians? If you kill less and subdue more. No matter how you see it, J.C. is clearly the real winner, but I don't want to be J.C. I want to be better, plus he put a blind eye to many things and that something I don't want to be : a hypocrite! -Hmmm... Flush them out strategy work well with my no kill policy. It might work well against the pig-orcs. Let test it out on the kobolds first, then.

108th Post-Clay or mud

108-Other then that, since when the two female homogoblins of the five hit it off with the rest of the female members of the seven? -Argh!!!! Darn it! Why there isn't a single good thing has happen ever since I wake up, today? This is getting depressing. I better check on the three kobolds I leave on the trees last night. Wait! I hasn't even check the 20kobolds either. *Sigh* -Whatever! I don't even want to care. Without even bother telling anyone, I start to walk into the direction of the kobolds' village, while dragging off my trusty 4-wheeled wagon. -The last time I come to this part was on foot. Never have guessed dragging a wagon would be quite tiring. Maybe because the clay wheels? Scratch that, I made this wagon primitively anyway. If only I could make myself a much decent tools. I have heard scalpel used by surgeons were made from ceramic. What exactly the difference? Clay and mud, aren't they just one of the samething? Maybe the difference is in the content? Like metals or some minerals? Or maybe purity? Mud are dirt plus water, dirt are soil plus humus and compost? What exactly is compost anyway? What about silicon then? Isn't glass and sand are made of silicon? Sand isn't equal soil? Soil is various things plus sand? -Ugh, my head. Today is just one hell of a headache. As a homogoblin, badgers, snakes, pit vipers and giant insects are child play. To be honest, I am expecting the three kobolds to be in some kind of a bind or already rescued by their colleagues.

107th Post-Little

107-A while back, they used to call me big sis, but I forbid them for doing so. I did tell them not to call me that and I beat them when I caught them red handed. However, with how I end up being a white homogoblin and a short one at that, it seem they start to add "little" to the nickname. To be honest, I have known the reason when I see the reflection of my face in the stream. It's because of the face. It's a kid-like face. In Japaneses' manga/anime it's called as loli. I just hope no more weird things to happen. -Okay, I kinda start to regret wearing and making this outfit. It's already really annoying when they used to see me with the eyes of admiration, but this is even worse. When, I think about it, I don't know if I would like it if some one look at me with the eyes of lust. *Sigh* For the first time, I feel weird looking at the reflection of my naked body. This is a body of a girl after all. I bet it will be even harder to look at if I have the body of the ideal girl of my past self. I then realized that the seven just simply wear their old clothes of rag when they at the stream. I just can't believe, I didn't think of that. However, when I just catch my first fish of today, the seven has already start cooking and they caught plenty, so they urge me to come to eat or the fishes will get cold. As I get myself among the campfire they made, I realized even the five has already gorges a fish each.

106th Post-"But, I have long pointy ears."

106-As it get annoying, I take one of the club used by one of the goblins I took down and use magnum break, thus knocking back every goblins within 3m radius around me. "Stop this instance!" I shout to the crowd. They're quite shocked to see me use magnum break. Suddenly, Gobubaba came with two of her usual subordinates. Gobubaba whisper something to one of them and the subordinate start to talk in some weird language. "Gobubaba what are you doing?" "Huh? You know me and can talk in Goblins' language?" "What are you talking about? I have been only speak this language ever since I was born?" "Who are you?" "Is that a joke? It is Ran! Gobu-Ran!" The commotion even attracted the 12 homogoblins and they have a really surprised look. After asking some questions, the seven start to convince other goblins that I am really Ran. I ask Gobubaba, what I look like? She say, with my skin color, I exactly look like a human. "I thought homogoblins look exactly like human already." "Yeah, but you don't even has sharp fangs and teeth." "But, I got long pointy ears." "They're concealed under your long hair and you look like a half-elf with them instead." *Sigh* "Half-elf?" I then leave for the stream. The seven seem to tag along as well and to be honest I feel tiny around them. I might be taller at 150cm compare to normal goblins at average of 120cm, but the average height of 12 homogoblins are 170cm. I am shorter by 15cm compare to Tris who used to be the shortest at 165cm.