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Thursday 30 October 2014

134th Post-Stone Curse

134-After finish hearing today's report, I then start telling them about magic. I told them of the basic concept of elements that I have known so far, before teaching them the incantation of fire bolt. Afterward, we all went outside of the main cave for them to test it out, but the goblins seem to has problem memorizing instead. While the goblins try out or memorized the incantation, I teach cold bolt's incantation to the homogoblins. I then concentrate on casting earth magic but fail. In depression, I start to play with dirt and imagine to move it using magic and I accidently figure on how to make mold out of dirt when I make a small dirt castle. I figure that earth magic is all about restricting movement and not about hurling mass of earth. It's never about throwing or shooting the dirt, because earth is immovable. It's only appear to move, but it's actually just crumble. "I make my will immovable and impregnable. As I become one with the earth, Earth become one with me. We are one. My will is the earth's will. Stone Curse!" "Learn lvl1-Stone Curse." "Learn lvl1-Earth Spike." -Huh? Two spells? So, the keywords used in the Kobold mages' Rock Pillar's spell is Earth Spike? I can't really cast stone curse. It's require red gem which I call as fire stone to cast, the same way as sanctuary, which require blue gem. Both are wasteful skills to use as require magic stones that are only can be found some time inside monsters.

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