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Thursday 30 October 2014

69th Post-"-Buhi?"

69-Pig Orcs' language are entirely different then Goblins'. With the -buhi and snorting as they speak it's pretty annoying. To scare them, I purposely show off the clay sword and slam it on the ground, which totally shake them off. However, a third one appear and the three decide to take their chances. -Tch, is this going to be my first murder? To be honest, I don't really like the idea, plus killing pig-headed dudes will surely give me nightmare. They try to surround me but I quickly use back slide, drop the clay sword and switch to my bow and start shooting at the one coming from the left as I keep my eyes on the others especially the one come from the right. When he get too close, I keep my bow into my large backpack, dodge his attack and trip his leg. Quickly, I reach to the clay sword on the ground and hit the pig-orc crawling on the ground on his back using the broad surface of the clay sword. I hope that doesn't break his spine. Seeing their comrade lie flat on the ground, the furthest ready a charge while the other try to grab me. I use Dec Agi on him and slip away giving me just enough time to use Inc Agi and ready myself against the 3rd pig-orc's charge by parrying his blow. I use Dec Agi on him and raise the heavy clay sword to the sky and let the gravity do the work. Just like with the first pig-orc I struck, I hit him on the head with the clay sword's broad side. The last pig-orc drop his weapon and raise it's both hand to surrender.

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