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Thursday 30 October 2014

88th Post-Fork Spear

88-I then taught them how to make stone knives, how to sharpen them and make each one of them a sheath for each of their knives. I also take a look at their spears and axes. To my surprise some even use sharpened stones as the tip of their spears. I also refix and remade their weapons to make them more durable, stronger and sharper. I told them to always work together and for those with nimble hands to not abandon their muscle-headed comrades and jokingly I mention Genbu and everyone start to laugh. To be honest, I like this situation much better then the stern faces everyone else had this morning. I told them to pay their attention to my teaching and handy work as it's a duty of those who doesn't know to learn and those who know has obligation to teach whenever and whatever they can. The seven and even the five, though most of their weapons are all made from iron or steel also join me. As the pinnacle of the noon activity, I show and made two spears and unlike normal spears, these two has two hares' horns forming a fork on their sharp ends. I told them this kind of spear or should I say Fork Spear is excellent to pin down snakes and pit vipers' heads before you can try to catch or kill them. At the end for the session, I told them to only kill for foods and self-defense only. "We can't risk of over hunting the animals or monsters because if that happen, we won't have any animals to eat." I then told the seven and the five to help me with me gathering firewood.

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