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Thursday 30 October 2014

116th Post-Life Purpose

116-The very voices of status update are also one of the mystery that still unanswered and would lead to more mysteries. Try to solve all those mysteries would be a great goal for me as I am searching for my life purpose. My past self never seem to has any. He just a N.E.E.T., who only become a hard core "otaku" because he got nothing to do, no life goal and only good at complaining and blaming anything and everything. To be honest, I do too and the reason I do what I do all these 13days is probably because I want to live and luckily I now no longer shackled and I am free to do something about everything that I keep on complaining. I think I want to return and say "Hai!" to my parents and close relatives who know me. I don't know, maybe just for old time sake. Maybe I should try casting fireball at the president of U.S.A. and become the Luke Skywalker of the terrorists. To be honest that doesn't sound bad at all. Unconsciously, when I am flying in my dream world my right hand has been patting Sai's head just like what I always do to my younger cousins and nephews. "Ugh! Sorry." "It's fine Ran-sama. I enjoy it myself." "You like it like for real?" "Ehem!" "By the way what do you call me?" "Ran-sama?!" "-Sama? What does that even mean?" "It's mean lord." "So, is there like -san, -chan and -kun?" "Yeah?! Don't Ran-sama already know?" "Where do you even learn those?"

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