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Thursday 30 October 2014

64th Post-Is there really need a reason?

64-"Learn lvl5-Improve Dodge." "Learn lvl1-Double Attack." "Learn lvl5-Provoke." "Learn lvl1-Endure." -Figure how to put your weight into attack give me double attack and endure from purposely take weak blows? Either way a good haul. It seem our fight receive quiet a number of spectators including the "seven", Gobubaba and even Gobujijie. I am not sure what to do really and Bruno is out cold, nothing can be do about that. *Sigh* -What now? Of course I decide to ignore their stare and carry Bruno on my back into the cave. "Learn lvl2-Maximizes Weigh Limit." -Unexpected, but Bruno really is heavy. After put Bruno at my old place, Gobujijie went to approach me. Bruno is probably one of his subordinates and after I explain it to be just a normal duel, he start asking me the reason and I give none. Is there really need a reason? I then ignore Gobujijie and start applying mashed up red herbs on Bruno's wounds and bruises. Kinda rude to Gobujijie and he know I pack a punch so, he just leave me be. With that done, I went to eat yesterday's leftovers that will be enough to serve as early lunch. Afterward, I went to the oven and start emptying it's contents. I wash all of them with the water inside the well as those inside the trench were already too murky and at some places the water were dried up leaving just mud. I put the jars, urns and paddles prototype into the second cave and the cook wares into the fourth cave and the weapons' prototypes inside the third.

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