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Thursday 30 October 2014

59th Post-"Watcha doing?"

59-For that purpose, I start digging from the 2nd room which would be the nearest room. From now on the 4th cave will only has 6 rooms and what used to be the 2nd room will officially become a passage way. I break what used to be the earth beds to widen the passage way. After done that, I start to dig continuously until I reach the goblins' cave. The moment I break through I found myself in front of Gobubaba. The hole was opened not that far from my old place. "What are you doing?" "Digging a hole." "I can see that." After sighing a bit, Gobubaba leave me to my antic and disappear into the back of the cave. Without wasting any time, I collect all the dug out dirt into my bag and stash them among the large mound of dirt near the well. It seem some goblins are taking a drink from the trench, though the water already start to get murky. I then went back to the goblins' cave and start moving my stuffs to the 3rd cave. It's already night but I am not scare. Today's excitement almost make me forget to eat but my grumbling stomach reminded me of it. What used to be the 2nd room closet's sliding doors and part of the stairs, were used to make the new passage way's four piece sliding doors. It's pretty neat if I must say myself. I went back to the 4th cave middle room and start cooking the badger's meat. The middle room has a guerilla style chimney that has separate hole lead the smoke to outside of the cave and a filter stuffed with dry leaves so the smoke didn't appear black.

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