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Thursday 30 October 2014

93rd-More pig-orcs?

93-"Learn Advanced Foresting." -Hmmm, I just realized I never ask for any of the five's name. I bet two of them were named Seryuu and Byakko, lol. As I walk back, I can see hundreds of bats flocking the sky. Interested, I decide to check on where they came from as I run straight to where they emerged, which lead me to another hill on the other side of the stream. I found the cave where the bats reside and crept near it. When there are much less bats come out flying from the cave, I decide to fight the remaining bats and enter the cave. It's not even hard to fight them off especially if you can sweep them all with area damage spell, fire ball, and knock back multiple assailant bats in one go with magnum break surround attack. Their screeching and the rustling noises when they flap their wings are so unbearable, so I decide to tear a bit my clothes of rag and plug my ears. A simple solution against deadly but effective skills of the bats. When I reach a crossroad my magnum break was maxed to lvl10. It's already sunset, I shouldn't dilly dally around and start to pick up all 34 bats I killed. On the way back, I see a group of pig-orcs with three trader wagons complete with canopy roof and being pulled by some kind of giant lizards, quite similar to comodo dragon, but bigger. Each of them should be at least 5m long. I can't really see the inside of the wagons because of the roof. The wagons were also accompanied by six other pig-orcs also riding the giant lizards.

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