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Wednesday 29 October 2014

51st Post-Underdog

51- Why I didn't use the well? I still don't have paddles, jars, urns, pails, and many more things need to be done to the well before use, so I will stick with the stream for now. The seven doesn't seem to like the idea, but looking at me swimming make them curious. To be honest the seven smell. After the bath, I clean Genbu's arm, remove his old cast and fix the new gauntlet-like cast on him. I also give them the two shields and they decide among themselves that Eme and Re'ne should have them. I expect Jin would be one of them, honestly because he is a male. I guess with four females and Genbu pretty much disable, the guys are underdogs in this group. The place the seven lead me is the place where I seen hundreds of bats when nearing sunset. I told them about how I have been around this place before and the cave might also be the bats' cave and possible encounter with pit vipers and snakes. I ready my bow and arrows, as well as putting the bat and snake's wrangler to within my reach for quick switch. We didn't encounter any tortoise nor snakes on the way to the cave. At the cave's entrance I can hear loud rustling noises. It's the sound of the bats. It sort of eerie even Jin got spooked. I throw a couple of stones and shots several time into the cave, but nothing happen despite my effort to lure something outside the cave. We then enter the cave. Even at the entrance, I can see the cave lead some where even further like some kind of giant labyrinth or mazes.

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