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Wednesday 29 October 2014

12th Post-Bow and arrows

12-Making arrows are easy so I could skip on that for now. I should concentrate more on making the bow. Since the string can only be made from vines, the elasticity should be dependant on the bow itself, for that purpose I bind together two different piece of branches from different kind of trees. I shape them up so they could stick together, perfectly. I feel the bow is a little bit too light, too brittle and can easily snap. So, stick it with another two kind of piece of woods too made it a little bit sturdier as well as heavier. The string is made similar to how rope in the past life look like by making bridle of three really thin vines I could find. I made a couple more sets. As I at it, I even made fishing lines. With the bow complete, I try the bow using a straight twig to get the idea on the size of the arrows. Hmmm..... 1m is too long. A little bit shorter would do it. It is fine as long as it's not too light. I made the arrows by cutting equally big thick straight branches with the stone axe. It is much easier and faster this way. Suddenly I heard weird voice. "Learn beginner craftmanship." "Learn arrow-making." I decide to ignore it since I am more interested in testing these arrows with the bow I just made. I then shoot a couple of shots on the mark I made when practicing with rocks earlier at the same distance. Upon the 50th shots I hear another weird sound. "Learn lvl 1 - owl's eyes" Ignoring it, I decide to continue practicing. "Learn lvl 2 - Owl's eyes"

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