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Wednesday 29 October 2014

14th-Seven? Damn...

14-If my past self ever try fishing, I bet he become a fishing nerd, haha... As I enjoy eating, I feel gazes on my back. "Who's there!" They are seven goblins, probably the same age as me. I never try to speak with others, so this is pretty awkward and nerve wrecking, plus they didn't utter a single word. They look hopeless or they're simply drooling over my food? They're 7 of them, I won't have a chance. "If you guys join me, I will give you guys half a fish each." In a monotone voice of course, my past self is social-recluse. He is freaking useless at this kind of thing. I want to ask them to sit beside me that's all. The seven goblins take their seat around the fireplace and I give them what I promised, half a fish each. They introduce themselves as Eme, Mint, Genbu, Jin, Kame, Tris and Re'ne. They feel really grateful for giving them food. Eating on bugs, seeds and trees' barks, no longer fill them up. "Horned rabbits are too dangerous." "Yeah but don't you kill lizards or maybe frogs? They're pretty easy to catch." Ok, I guess these guys are just too stupid. "With all seven of you, killing a horned rabbis won't be that hard. Just surround it and be wary of it's horn." ""Really?!"" Hearing that, they start to look at each other. "We got a chance?" "For sure?" "Probably." "Do you ever try?" "Alone, no. I am just saying there are better chance of success if you has numbers."

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