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Wednesday 29 October 2014

26th Post-Wait, something is wrong.

26-Wait, something is wrong. That horned rabbit is bigger then average. I have seen them some time and they give me goosebump. They are the first horned rabbits that I come across, being almost as big as a goblin and the very reason I didn't try to confront the horned rabbits until today. They has darker hides and a much bigger and muscular front legs quiet similar to moles in fact except they don't has large sharp looking claws. Instead of calling them rabbits, calling them hares are better. Their ears weren't as long as the average size horned rabbits, it isn't surprising if they're from different sub-species. *These are facts I gather during stalking, not the thought during this moment.* In second, a bloody one sided onslaught emerges right in front of my eyes. -This can't be happening...... I start feeling nausea, but I know something need to be done. I must try to save Genbu and those other are probably in danger as well. I hurriedly rain arrows toward the horned hare. To my surprise Genbu is still alive but his left arm was totally wrecked and really gore. The sudden hail of arrows, caused the horned hare to change it's attention to me. As it charge toward me, I continuously rain it with arrows as I retreat and realized it is much faster to slide backward.

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