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Wednesday 29 October 2014

40th Post-Digging

40- When that done, I start digging until the well is as tall as me, where I start using my backpack to carry soil outside the hole. "Learn Beginner Digging." "Learn Beginner Mining." -Mining? Ok, that is new. There has to be some kind of valuable that would trigger this skill. Hope it is magic stone or something. Gold would be useless for now. I made the well to be quiet wide as well. Carrying out the dirt I dug outside the well, would work well in raising my stamina. It's tiring but I can't continue digging if I don't. When, I almost done with the well: "Learn Intermediate Digging." "Learn Intermediate Mining." -O_o, the hard earth start to feel like pudding, sweet! After making the final touch to the well, I figure I should make a trench that would lead water to the well or it would take forever to fill up. However, I already feel hungry despite it's still not noon. For my early lunch I decide to experiment with the herbs. The first experiment will be done to a fish. One of the herbs smell nice but it doesn't taste anything but it sure give red color to the fish. Maybe this herbs can be use as red paint or ink. I then mashed some fruits to give the fish sweat and sour taste and yesterday's herbs . It would be great if I can make a soup or maybe a stew. I then cook the fish on a fireplace that I dig and use a couple of branches aligned on some rocks at the middle of the dug out fireplace to look like a stove, high enough to not get burn.

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