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Wednesday 29 October 2014

49th Post-Deforestation

49-For today, I concentrate on the area in front of the goblins' cave. After fallen about ten trees, I stack the fallen trees nicely on the left side of the cave and clearing up the area. There are less puddles then I expected, probably due to the effect of the trench. The dirt I dug out to make the well were all wet. I then dug a mudhole beside the mound and start making mould of bricks using tree barks and woods that are carefully crafted. The woods are wet but with Intermediate Lumbering skill, it isn't that hard at all. My first choice of action are making bricks for the oven. I put all my concentration and make as many bricks as possible. However, after the 50th molds, I grew tired of making them, so after I pressed the mud into the moulds, I start to made couple of cups, mugs, plates, pots, bowls, urns and even jars out of mud. Don't ask about the shapes. I make almost all of them to be square as possible which kinda fail but the shapes are there. "Learn Beginner Sculpting." -See! Even god appreciate my hard work. Now that I have learned the Sculpting skill, I better put my all on pot-making. I need pots that are big for various stuffs. Hides, silks, boiled water and most importantly cooking. I want to cook stew and soup. I also try to made spoons, laddles, bigger urns and jars as well as pots' lids. I then cut down some more trees around the area to open space with no trees' blocking the sun. Afterward, I put all my products to dry under the sun.

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