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Sunday 26 October 2014

8th Post-The name is Ran, Goburan!

8-"You forgot? It's Ran. Goburan."
"Ran?" (That pretty lame).
Hmmm....? Why does my name sound like Japanese? Are the goblin language I am talking right now is actually Japanese? Hmmm....
"About magic, can you teach me?"
"I don't know, but there is a homogoblin among us who know."
"Can you introduce me?"
"He and the rest of the adults are currently on the hunt. They will probably return within a month." "Isn't there any books I can learn it from?"
"There are books at the back of the cave, but that place is off-limit for you youngsters and can you read?"
Hmmm.... the goblin language and English language is different. The writings are probably different as well.
"No. Can't you teach me?"
"Haha. I can't read too."
Hearing that I feel disappointed. I already work up when I hear the word "magic" , but I guess I should just wait a month.
"If you want, I can find you those books for you."
"Yeah, think of it as repayments for this centipede."
I spontaneously hug Gobujie. In respond he rub my head. As we eat, he told me about rank-up. He think, I has potential so, it's better I knew this early. There are something like lvl-ing system in this world and us goblins rank-up into homogoblin when reach lvl 100. Afterwards, we rank-up further depend on what we do/eat. Homogoblin who live on eating corpses and blood will rank-up into ghouls. They're kinda like zombies but stronger. They're also ogre which can rank-up further into minotaurs, Lord-series and even vampires.

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